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European Comission
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Graduate Education Alliance for teaching the physics and safety of nuclear reactors (Grant agreement No 890675). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. European Comission, 2020-2024. |
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EU BEST PRACTICES BELARUSIAN ACADEMIA EU Best practices-based education in radiation protection and nuclear safety culture for the Belarusian academia (609721-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-). IP. José Ródenas Diago. European Comission, 2020-2022. |
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RADIATION AND NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY Train future trainers in radiation protection and nuclear technology (2018-1-BE01-KA203-038563). IP. José Ródenas Diago. European Comission, 2018-2021. |
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Core monitoring techniques and experimental validation and demonstration (Grant agreement No 754316). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. European Comission, 2017-2021. |
National Financing
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NITROGEN Analysis of the impact of nitrogen gas intrusion in the primary cooling circuit of nuclear plants. (SUBV-6 2023). IP. Sergio Gallardo Bermell. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, 2023-2026. |
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CTIMGHPC&IA Digital processing of CT images using HPC and AI techniques(TED2021-131091B-I00). Researcher. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Agencia Estatal de Investigación, 2022-2024. |
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INAIA Improvements in new artificial intelligence techniques focused on the detection of anomalies in nuclear reactors (SUB-34/2021). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, 2021-2023. |
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CPLD-IA Optimized design of the load pattern of the core of LWR reactors assisted by artificial intelligence(SUBV-36/2021). IP. Rafael Miró Herrero. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, 2021-2024. |
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EXRADON Characterization, exhalation and remediation of radon in construction materials (SUB-33/2021). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, 2021-2023. |
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KARST-RADON Karst and Radón (SUBV-5/2021). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, 2021-2023. |
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NEUCONCEPT Neutron transport Proof of Concept (PDC2021-121667-I00). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Agencia Estatal de Investigación, 2021-2023. |
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CAMP Participation in NRC code maintenance projects (CAMP) and NEA/OECD thermohydraulic experimental programs (PKL, ATLAS and RBHT), and their application to Spanish plants(CAMP-ESPAÑA). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, 2020-2024. |
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GARANTÍA JUVENIL AEI Analysis and detection capabilities of the ionizing radiation laboratory (PEJ2018-001727-A-AR). IP. Rafael Miró Herrero. Agencia Estatal de Investigación, 2019-2022. |
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IRP-AP Embedded Reactor Physics Application for Large-Scale Simulations (PGC2018-096437-B-I00-AR). IP. Rafael Miró Herrero. Agencia Estatal de Investigación, 2019-2022. |
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PANTHER-3D Verification, Validation, Quantification of uncertainties and improvement of the Neutronic/Thermohydraulic platform(ENE2017-89029-P-AR). IP. Gumesindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Agencia Estatal de Investigación, 2018-2021. |
Regional Financing (Comunidad Valenciana)
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RADÓN_DOSIS Study of the transfer of radon through different media (soil, water and air). Application for the protection of the population and exposed professionals (PAID-11-23). IPs. Belén Jeanne Juste Vidal, María Pino Sancho Fernández. Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-2025. |
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IRAMED Ionizing radiation dose reduction in medical applications(CIPROM/2022/38). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Generalitat Valenciana, 2023-2027. |
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BrachyDose_MC Development of a tool to improve the calculation of doses to patients in personalized brachytherapy treatments (PAID-06-22). IP. Belén Jeanne Juste Vidal. Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-2024. |
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BIOMED Bioengineering of ionizing radiation applied to the area of diagnostic medical imaging (GRISOLIAP/2021/186). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Generalitat Valenciana, 2021-2025. |
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RAD-NATURA Study, control and mitigation of natural radiation sources (IDIFEDER/2021/047). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Generalitat Valenciana, 2021-2022. PO FEDER Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020. |
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TRANSPORTE NEUTRÓNICO Higher order approximations for the neutron transport equation (SP20180095). IP. Antoni Vidal Ferràndiz. Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-2020. |
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Bioengineering of ionizing radiation (PROMETEO/2018/035). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Generalitat Valenciana, 2018-2021. |
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MEMO RADION Development of prevention methodologies and internal dosimetry models for ionizing radiation related to NORM materials (IDIFEDER/2018/038). IP. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Generalitat Valenciana, 2018-2021. PO FEDER Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020. |
European Comission
ESNI++. Preparing ESNII for HORIZON 2020. IP. Sebastián Martorell Alsina, Gumersindo Verdú Martín. European Comission, 2013-2017.
MICOS. Development of a miniature compton spectrometer. FIRST Programme. Ministère de la Région Wallonne, 2009-2010.
ICARO. Intensive course on accelerator and reactor operation (LLP 08_MB_IP_00082). ERASMUS LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME. European Commission, 2009-2011.
JUNCS. Jülich Nuclear Chemistry Summer School. DE-2007-ERA/MOBIP-Ant-28343-1. ERASMUS LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME. European Commission, 2008-2010.
ROSA. OECD/NEA Rig of safety assessment project (using the Japanese ROSA/LSTF facility). Organisation for economic co-operation and development and Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA), 2005-2009.
CAMP. Code applications and maintenance program. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC),2004-2007.
SPERANSA. Stimulation of practical expertise in radiation and nuclear safety (51698-IC-2-2005-1-CZ-ERASMUS-IPUC-1). ERASMUS SOCRATES PROGRAMME. European Commission, 2005-2007.
PAN. Practical approach to nuclear techniques (28143-IC-3-2002-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-3). ERASMUS SOCRATES PROGRAMME. European Commission,2002-2005.
CRISSUE-S: Revisiting critical issues in nuclear reactor design / Safety by using 3-D Neutronics / Thermalhydraulics models: State of the art (FIKS-CT-2001-00185). Euratom Program. V Framework Program. European Commission, 2002-2004.
NACUSP: Natural circulation and stability performance of BWRs (FIKS-CT-2000-00041). Euratom Program. V Framework Program. European Commission, 2000-2004.
EBCN. European Breast Cancer Network. Subproject 4.3. Assessment of radiological detriment versus image quality and technical - physic aspects in breast cancer screening programme (EU contract numbers 2001/SI2.328176, 2002/SPC.2002482). Europe Against Cancer Programme. European Commission, 2001-2002.
RISK-BCS. Radiological risk assesment in a breast cancer screening programme. Europe Against Cancer Programme. European Commission, 2001.
National Financing
MODTRA-3D. Development of a 3D modal neutron transport code by the method of finite volumes and discrete ordinates (ENE2015-68353-P). IP. Rafael Miró Herrero. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, 2016-2018.
NOVAK-3D. Development of new models and capabilities in the VALKIN/TH-3D coupled code system. Verification, validation and quantification of uncertainties (ENE2014-59442-P-AR). IP. Gumersindo Verdú Martín. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, 2015-2017.
NUC-MULTPHYS. Development of a high-performance multiphysics platform for thermohydraulic-neutronic simulations in nuclear engineering (ENE2012-34585). IP. Rafael Miró Herrero. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, 2013-2015.
VALIUN-3D. Verification, validation, improvement and quantification of uncertainty in 3D-NTH codes for safety analysis (ENE2011-22823). IP. Gumersindo Verdú Martín. IP. Gumersindo Verdú Martín. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, 2012-2014.
3D-PANTHER. Development of an advanced Neutronic-Thermohydraulic plant 3D simulator (ENE2008-02669). IP. Gumersindo Verdú Martín. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, 2009-2011.
PKL-ROSA II. Improvement and maintenance of thermohydraulic system codes based on the results of the OCDE-PKL-II and OCDE-ROSA experiments. Application to Spanish plants. IP. Gumersindo Verdú Martín. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, 2009-2011.
Study of radioprotectants of food origin for patients and workers in medical treatment or diagnosis procedures with radiation. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, 2009-201.
ATRANTER-BRAZIL. Transient analysis and development of 3D neutronic-thermohydraulic models. Interuniversity Cooperation Project with Brazil (PHB2007-0067-PC). IP. Gumersindo Verdú Martín. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, 2008-2009.
ATID-PCCM. Analysis of the rate of induction / detection of breast cancer in premenopausal women of the Screening Program due to the introduction of digital mammography (PI06/90502). Instituto de Salud Carlos III, 2007-2008.
PKL-ROSA. Analysis and simulation of the PKL/OECD and ROSA/OECD experiments. Application to the CC.NN. Spanish. IP. Gumersindo Verdú Martín. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, 2005-2008.
DIASEG3D. Development of an advanced and modular 3D simulator applied to the diagnosis and safety of nuclear plants (ENE2005-09219-C02-00). IP. Gumersindo Verdú Martín. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, 2005-2008.
CAMP. Analysis and simulation of accidental sequences in PWR reactors. CAMP ESPAÑA project. IP. Gumersindo Verdú Martín. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, 2004-2005.
DISPROTER. Diagnosis and simulation of thermal processes (DPI2001-2766-C02-00). IP. Gumersindo Verdú Martín. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, 2001-2004.
Regional Financing (Comunidad Valenciana)
Development of a time and frequency domain neutron noise simulator (PAID-10-19). IP. Gumersindo Verdú Martín. Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-2021.
Optimization methods in CT image reconstruction to minimize radiation dose in pediatric patients (UPV-FE-16-C28). Universitat Politècnica de València - Fundación Hospital La Fe, 2016-2017.
OSDE-MCCT. Organ dose size estimation in computed tomography using Monte Carlo simulations (UPV-FE-2014-21). Universitat Politècnica de València - Fundación Hospital La Fe, 2015.
Flattening Filter Free (FFF) in vivo dosimetry in radiotherapy (UPV-FE-2013-45). Universitat Politècnica de València - Fundación Hospital La Fe, 2014.
N3D-VALKIN-Prometeo. New improved capacities in 3d-VALKIN (PROMETEOII/2014/008). Generalitat Valenciana, 2014-2017.
VALIUN-3D-GVA13. Verification, validation, improvement and quantification of uncertainty in 3D-NTH codes for safety analysis (ACOMP/2013/237). Consellería de Educación, 2013.
Development and implementation of a radiotherapy planning system (teletherapy and brachytherapy) based on the Montecarlo Method for Huplafe (UPV-FE-5060). Universitat Politècnica de València - Fundación Hospital La Fe, 2013.
3D-FANKIN-UPV. 3D-Fast Neutron Kinetics (SP20120477). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013.
OPENNUC-UPV. 3D thermohydraulic-neutronic simulation platform with high performance and advanced capabilities. Validation through International Benchmarks (SP20120487). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013.
MOACIN-UPV. Advanced Neutron Kinetics Module (2688). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012.
Monte Carlo Treatment Planning System: Software for high precision dosimetric calculation in radiotherapy (SP20120824). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012-2014.
Coupling and parallelization of the COBRA-TF subchannel thermohydraulic code and the 3D neutron codes PARCS V3.0 and VALKIN. Validation through simulation of accidental transients in light water nuclear reactors (2810). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012.
INEUTRON-UPV. Uncertainty analysis methodology applied to neutron models of nuclear plants (2670). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011.
3D-PANTHER-GVA11. Development of an advanced Neutronic-Thermohydraulic plant 3D simulator (FPA/2011/046). Consellería de Educación, 2011.
3D-PANTHER-GVA11. Development of an advanced Neutronic-Thermohydraulic plant 3D simulator (ACOMP/2011/021). Consellería de Educación, 2011.
ANITRAN-Prometeo. Uncertainty analysis methodology applied to nuclear plant transients (PROMETEO/2010/039). Consellería de Educación, 2010-2013.
ANITRAN. Metodología de análisis de incertidumbres aplicada a transitorios de plantas nucleares (PAID-05-09-4285). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010.
3D-PANTHER-GVA10. Development of an advanced Neutronic-Thermohydraulic plant 3D simulator (ACOMP/2010/170). Consellería de Educación, 2010.
3D-PANTHER-GVA09. Development of an advanced Neutronic-Thermohydraulic plant 3D simulator (ACOMP/2009/058). Consellería de Educación, 2009.
MEMEX-MC. Monte Carlo experimental mixed method for the reconstruction of X-Ray spectra and linear accelerators (PAID-06-07-3300). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2007-2009.
RECON-RX. Reconstruction of x-ray spectra using flat panel and monte carlo methods (GVPRE/2008/136). Consellería Educación, 2008.
ATRANTER-UPV-2. Transient analysis and development of 3D neutronic-thermohydraulic models (PAID-05-07-6214). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2008.
IMAD-PREM-2. Introduction of digital mammography in the breast cancer screening program, effect on the induction-detection rate of premenopausal women (075/2008). Conselleria de Sanidad - Escuela Valenciana de Estudios para la Salud, 2008.
IMAD-PREM. Introduction of digital mammography in the breast cancer screening program, effect on the induction-detection rate of premenopausal women (059/2007). Conselleria de Sanidad - Escuela Valenciana de Estudios para la Salud, 2007.
DIASEG-GVA. Development of an advanced and modular 3D simulator applied to the diagnosis and safety of nuclear plants (ACOMP/2007/135). Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia, 2007.
ATRANTER-UPV. Transient analysis and development of 3D neutronic-thermohydraulic models (PAID-05-06-6755). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2007.
ASTUT-UPV. Advanced BWR stability analysis: validation of codes (PAID-05-06-6756). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2007.
SPT-RADIOTERAPIA. Radiotherapy treatment planning system based on the Monte Carlo method and 3D processing of medical images (GV06/127). Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia, 2006-2007.
DIV-VALKIN. Discretization, implementation and validation of PN approaches in the VALKIN Neutron Simulator (GV06/095). Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia, 2006-2007.
MC-DEGER. Development of a Monte Carlo model to characterize a Germanium detector for its application in environmental radioactivity measurements (GV06/113). Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia, 2006-2007.
RAD-MC. Development and experimental validation of a radiotherapy treatment planning system using Monte Carlo techniques (PPI-06-05-5700). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2006-2007.
NODAL-D2. Implementation of PN approximations in the neutron module of a nuclear reactor simulator (PPI-05-05-5701-01). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2006-2007.
MOED-PPCM. Improvement and optimization of the effectiveness in the diagnosis of breast cancer prevention programs (029/2006). Conselleria de Sanidad - Escuela Valenciana de Estudios para la Salud, 2006.
TERACOR-X. Development of new radiophysical techniques for the control of X-Ray equipment (GV04B-550). Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia, 2004-2006.
D3-COLD. Development of a fault detection and diagnosis system in cold production installations (IIARCO/2004/010). Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia, 2004-2006.
DIAGMA-2. Validation of a computer-aided diagnosis system for mammography. Application to the breast cancer program of the C.V. (PPI-05-04-5645). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2004-2006.
Technical assistance for the comparative analysis between analog and digital technology, applied to obtaining mammographic images and analysis of the radiological detriment of digital technology mammography among the U.P.C.M. of Requena. Conselleria de Sanidad, 2005.
IMADI. Implementation of digital mammography in the breast cancer prevention program of the Valencian Community. Development of radiophysical techniques for their evaluation and control (Ev.Tec-003/2001). Conselleria de Sanidad, 2004-2005.
NODAL-D. Development of advanced nodal methods for solving the neutron diffusion equation (PPI-05-03-4211). Universitat Politècnica de València 2003-2004.
ASPE. Signal analysis of stochastic processes. Application to predictive and preventive maintenance of industrial plants (CTIDIB/2002/5). Conselleria de Innovación y Competitividad, 2002-2004.
DIAGMA. Development of a computer-assisted diagnostic system oriented to the analysis of mammograms. Application to the breast cancer program of the Comunidad Valenciana (PPI-05-02-2831-03). Universitat Politècnica de València, 2002-2004.
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