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:: PhD Thesis finished during 2023
Domínguez Candela, Iván. Towards a circular economy: revaluation of salvia hispanica L. seed products in the biopolymer sector. Dir. Jaime Lora García.
Martínez Ferri, Javier Enrique. Study of the equilibrium factor and calculation of doses applied to radon gas. Dir. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín, Belén Jeanne Juste Vidal.
Navarro Gázquez, Pedro José. Development of new electrodes based on hybrid nanostructures of semiconductor metal oxides for energy and environmental applications. Dir. José García Antón, María Encarnación Blasco Tamarit.
Rotta, Eduardo Henrique. Caracterização de membranas aniônicas e avaliação do transporte de íons fosfato em um sistema de eletrodiálise. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz.
Sánchez Arévalo, Carmen María. Implementation of membrane technology for the valorization of phenolic compounds present in wastewater from the olive oil production industry. Dir. José Antonio Mendoza Roca, Silvia Álvarez Blanco, María Cinta Vincent Vela.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2022
Alvizuri Tintaya, Paola Andrea. Study of Reverse Osmosis operated at low pressure as a treatment of a natural source contaminated by mining activity, in the micro-basin Milluni in Bolivia, for the supply of safe water to populations. Dir. Juan Ignacio Torregrosa López, Jaime Lora García, Vanesa Gladys Lo Iacono Ferreira.
Bretas Alvim, Clara. Characterization of microplastics in natural and residual waters, and their influence and separation in biological purification processes. Dir. José Antonio Mendoza Roca, Mª Amparo Bes Piá.
Cifuentes Cabezas, Magdalena Soledad. Recovery of polyphenols from oil mill effluents through membrane processes and biological treatment of reject streams. Dir. José Antonio Mendoza Roca, Silvia Álvarez Blanco.
Lorduy Alós, María. Thermohydraulic analysis of the ATLAS facility. Applications of the scaling methodology. Dir. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín, Sergio Gallardo Bermell.
Noverques Medina, Aina. Study of the behavior of radon gas (222Rn) in the transfer processes in water and air. Dir. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín, Belén Jeanne Juste Vidal, María Pino Sancho Fernández.
Villena Martínez, Esteban Manuel. Development of a mathematical model that allows the analysis of the effectiveness of Reverse Osmosis in the process of removing lead, iron and manganese in sources of water supply for human consumption in the Upper Basin of the Guadalquivir river in Bolivia and its contribution to the growth in water supply and the sustainable availability of drinking water in the long term. Dir. Juan Ignacio Torregrosa López, Vanesa Gladys Lo Iacono Ferreira, Jaime Lora García.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2021
Chillarón Pérez, Mónica. Analysis and development of high performance algorithms for 3D CT medical image reconstruction based on dose reduction. Dir. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín, Vicente Emilio Vidal Gimeno.
Roselló Márquez, Gemma. Removal of organophosphate pesticides by photoelectrocatalysis with WO3 photoanodes. Dir. José García Antón.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2020
Barrachina Celda, Teresa María. Contributions and improvements in the best estimate neutronic and thermohydraulic codes RELAP5, TRAC-BF1, TRACE and PARCS. Dir. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín, Rafael Miró Herrero.
Carreño Sánchez, Amanda María. Integration methods for the time dependent neutron diffusion equation and other approximations of the neutron transport equation. Dir. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín, Damián Ginestar Peiró, Antoni Vidal Ferràndiz.
Gómez-Zarzuela Quel, Consuelo. Development and assessment of a one-dimensional CFD solver for boiling flows in bubbly regimes. Dir. Rafael Miró Herrero.
Hidalga García-Bermejo, Patricio. Development and validation of a multi-scale and multi-physics methodology for the safety analysis of fast transients in Light Water Reactors. Dir. Rafael Miró Herrero, Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín.
Medina Orta, Ramiro. Incorporation of Ag and Pd nanostructures in Ni porous electrocatalysts and their application in the production of hydrogen by alkaline electrolysis of water. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz, Emma María Ortega Navarro.
Mora Gómez, Julia. Removal of emerging organic pollutants through advanced oxidation of electrochemical processes. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz, Montserrat García Gabaldón.
Morató Rafet, Sergio. Contributions to solve the Multi-group Neutron Transport equation with different angular approaches. Dir. Rafael Miró Herrero, Álvaro Bernal García.
Olmo Juan, Nicolás. Methodologies for the reproduction of neutron noise transients in PWR nuclear reactors. Dir. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín, Rafael Miró Herrero.
Ruiz Martínez, José Tomás. Nuclearization of a chemical process for dissolving magnetite on the secondary side of steam generators in nuclear power plants. Dir. Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín.
Santana Barros, Kayo. Treatment, by electrodialysis, of a synthetic wastewater from the cyanide-free brass electroplating and study on ion transport: recovery of water and chemicals. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz.
Santos Sousa, Mayko Rannany. Optimization of operation parameters in ultrafiltration by experiment design, mathematical modeling and fouling characterization of the membranes used to remove dissolved and colloidal substances from a treated paper mill effluent. Dir. Jaime Lora García, María Fernanda López Pérez.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2019
Lucas Granados, Bianca. New photocatalysts based on iron oxide nanostructures for application in the energy field. Dir. José García Antón.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2018
Bernal García, Álvaro. Development of a 3D Modal Neutron Code with the Finite Volume Method for the diffusion and Discrete Ordinates Transport Equations. Application to Nuclear Safety Analyses. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Rafael Miró Herrero.
Vidal Ferràndiz, Antoni. Development of a finite element method for neutron transport equation approximations. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Damián Ginestar Peiro.
Wohlmuth Da Silva, Salatiel. Tratamento de águas residuárias contaminadas com poluentes orgânicos emergentes utilizando processos avançados de oxidação. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2017
Abarca Giménez, Agustín. Development and verification of a high-perormanece multiphysics plattform for the nuclear engineering safety analysis. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Rafael Miró Herrero.
Baeza Oliete, Guillermo. Contribution to the generation of cold plasma by electrodes type SMD and JET. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín.
Carbonell Alcaina, Carlos. Recovery of phenolic compounds contained in the residual brine from the fermentation process of table olives through membrane processes: combination of ultrafiltration and nanofiltration. Dir. Silvia Álvarez Blanco, Mª Amparo Bes Piá.
Fernández Fernández, Irene. Study of the behavior of a nanofiltration membrane with low fouling versus ionic solutions. Development of methodologies to adjust the parameters of the DSPM model with dielectric effects. Dir. José Marcial Gozálvez Zafrilla, María Asunción Santafé Moro
Ferre Aracil, Jesús. Design of bubble columns for wastewater treatments by ozone. Physical characterization, kinetic analysis and optimization with artificial neural networks. Dir. Salvador Cayetano Cardona Navarrete, Javier Navarro Laboulais.
Ferrer Polonio, Eva. Aerobic biological treatment for wastewater with high conductivity and concentration of phenols. Dir. José Antonio Mendoza Roca, Alicia Iborra Clar.
Giner Sanz, Juan José. Semi-empirical modeling of a monocell of a commercial fuel cell of PEM type of 300 W. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz, Emma María Ortega Navarro.
Licausi, Marie Pierre. Analysis of tribocorrosion behavior of biomedical powder metallurgy titanium alloys. Dir. Anna Neus Igual Muñoz, Vicente Amigó Borrás
Mesado Melià, Carles. Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis for Cross Sections and Thermohydraulic Parameters in Lattice and Core Physics Codes. Methodology for Cross Section Library Generation and Application to PWR and BWR.Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Rafael Miró Herrero.
Scarazzato, Tatiana. Treatment of a cyanide-free copper electroplating solution by electrodialysis: study of ion transport and evaluation of water and inputs recovery. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz, Denise Crocce Romano Espinosa.
Soler Cabezas, José Luis. Application of direct osmosis in processes of separation and concentration of sludge. Dir. José Antonio Mendoza Roca, María Cinta Vincent Vela.
Zuriaga Agustí, Elena. Influence of the physical and chemical characteristics of the mixture liquor in membrane bioreactors and its correlation with the operating parameters in urban and industrial wastewater. Dir. José Antonio Mendoza Roca, Mª Amparo Bes Piá.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2016
González Buch, Cristina. Development and characterization of new cathode materials based on nickel alloys for the evolution reaction of hydrogen in alkaline medium. Dir. José García Antón, Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz.
Fayez Moustafa Moawad, Ragab. Approximation of the neutron diffusion equation on hexagonal geometries using a h-p finite element method. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Damián Ginestar Peiro.
Kasper, Ángela Cristina. Utilização de técnicas hidrometalúrgicas e eletrometalúrgicas na recuperação de ouro proveniente de sucatas de telefones celulares. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz
Luján Facundo, María José. Influence of the application of ultrasound in the cleaning of ultrafiltration membranes used in protein separation in the dairy industry. Dir. José Antonio Mendoza Roca, Beatriz Cuartas Uribe.
Mellado Valero, Ana. Study of the electrochemical behavior and galvanic corrosion of biomedical alloys for dental implants and suprastructures. Dir. Anna Neus Igual Muñoz.
Mota Babiloni, Adrián. Analysis of low global warming potential fluoride working fluids in vapour compression systems. Experimental evaluation of commercial refrigeration alternatives. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Joaquín Navarro Esbrí.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2015
Alventosa de Lara, Elena. Ultrafiltration of textile industry effluents. Study of the operating parameters and of the fouling mechanisms. Dir. María Isabel Alcaina Miranda, María Isabel Iborra Clar.
Dalmau Borrás, Alba. Study of tribological, corrosion and tribocorrosion behavior of new martensitic stainless steels for aeronautical applications. Dir. Anna Neus Igual Muñoz, Caroline Richard.
Corbatón Báguena, María José. Cleaning of ultrafiltration membranes applied in the food industry by means of unconventional techniques and characterization of membrane fouling. Dir. Silvia Álvarez Blanco, María Cinta Vincent Vela.
Flores, Liubov Alexandrovna. Parallel algorithms for the reconstruction of TAC images over heterogeneous architectures. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Vicente Emilio Vidal Gimeno.
García Ivars, Jorge. Obtaining and characterization of low-fouling ultrafiltration polymer membranes and study of manufacturing conditions. Dir. María Isabel Alcaina Miranda, María Isabel Iborra Clar
Querol Vives, Andrea. Thermalhydraulic analysis of the LSTF/ROSA facility using TRACE code. Contributions to the scaling methodology. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Sergio Gallardo Bermell.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2014
Abella Aranda, Vicente. Planning system of radiotherapy treatments for linear accelerators (LINAC) based on the Monte Carlo method. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Rafael Miró Herrero.
Carrillo Abad, Jordi. Study of the zinc recovery from the spent pickling baths in hot galvanized zinc industries by means of electrochemical techniques. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz, Montserrat García Gabaldón.
Fernández Domene, Ramón Manuel. Study of the thermogalvanic corrosion and passive behaviour of Alloy 31 in LiBr absorption machines by means of electrochemical techniques. Dir. María Encarnación Blasco Tamarit, José García Antón.
Martí Calatayud, Manuel César. Study of heavy metal ions transport through cation-exchange membranes applied to the industrial effluents treatment. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz, Montserrat García Gabaldón.
Sacramento Santana, Hesdras Henrique. Improving mechanical properties and microstructure development of fiber reinforced ceramic nuclear fuel. Dir. José Ródenas Diago.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2013
Balaguer Ramírez, María. New solid state oxygen and hydrogen conducting materials. Towards their applications as high temperature electrochemical devices and gas separation membranes. Dir. José Marcial Gozálvez Zafrilla.
Escrivá Cerdán, Clara. Characterization of the passivity of stainless steel UNS N08031 in phosphoric acid contaminated using electrochemical techniques. Dir. María Encarnación Blasco Tamarit, José García Antón.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2012
García Aleix, José Ricardo. Evolution of air quality in the ceramic cluster of Castellón (and their relationship with industrial activity). Origin and effects of air pollution particles in suspension. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín.
González Pintor, Sebastián. Approximation of the neutron diffusion equation on hexagonal geometries. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Damián Ginestar Peiró.
Herraiz Cardona, Isaac. Development of new electrode materials for producing hydrogen from alkaline water electrolysis. Dir. Emma María Ortega Navarro, Valentín Pérez Herranz.
Milián Sánchez, Víctor Miguel. Development of a reduced dynamic model for an industrial cooling system based on vapor compression cycle. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín.
Neves Xavier, José Luis. Application of electrochemical techniques in the degradation of aromatic refractory organic pollutants. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz.
Pérez Page, María. Study of the stationary and dynamic behaviour of a 300 W PEM fuel cell type operating in closed anode modes or dead-end and open anode. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz.
Sánchez Hernández, Ana María. Contribution to the neutron and thermal-hydraulic calculations in 3D with best estimate codes. Application to transients in BWR and PWR nuclear reactors. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Rafael Miró Herrero.
Sánchez Tovar, Rita. Galvanic corrosion of copper, stainless steels and titanium in highly concentrated media with hydrodynamic flow conditions by means of electrochemical techniques. Dir. María Teresa Montañés Sanjuan, José García Antón.
Valero Vidal, Carlos. Study of the degradation mechanisms of the CoCrMo biomedical alloy in physiological media by means of electrochemical techniques and surface analysis. Dir. Anna Neus Igual Muñoz.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2011
Arroyo Núñez, María Guadalupe. Treatment solutions containing hexavalent chromium by electrocoagulation with iron anodes. Dir. María Teresa Montañés Sanjuan, Valentín Pérez Herranz.
Barredo Damas, Sergio. Textile effluents reuse by membrane techniques. Dir. María Isabel Alcaina Miranda, María Isabel Iborra Clar.
Guiñón Pina, Virginia. Study of the influence of the anodic and cathodic polarization on the electrochemical behavior of nickel, chromium and stainless steels in LiBr. Dir. Anna Neus Igual Muñoz, José García Antón.
José Gerardy, Isabelle Yvonne. Evaluation of a planning system to a gynecological brachytherapy treatment using techniques Monte Carlo and experimental measurements. Dir. José Ródenas Diago.
Juste Vidal, Belén Jeanne. Application of Monte Carlo method in radiotherapy planning and reconstruction of photon spectra of linear accelerators (LinAc). Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Rafael Miró Herrero.
Leiva García, Rafael. Sensitizing influence of austenitic stainless steels and duplex in corrosion resistance of LiBr concentrated solutions. Dir. María José Muñoz Portero, José García Antón.
León Hidalgo, María del Carmen. Modeling and development of a natural evaporation process for managing concentrates of membrane processes. Dir. Jaime Lora García, José Marcial Gozálvez Zafrilla, José Miguel Arnal Arnal.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2010
Galiana Aleixandre, María Vicenta. Experimental study of minimizing pollution effluent applying the tanning industry wastewater reuse bath treatments and membrane processes and biological. Dir. José Antonio Mendoza Roca.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2009
Cañizares Martínez, José María. Civil Defense in response to NBQ. Application to a “dirty bomb” attack in the Valencia City. Dir. Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Ricardo Sanchís Arnal.
García Fayos, Beatriz. Optimization of the extraction process and characterization of the active compound from natural coagulants. Application to water potabilization in developing countries. Dir. José Miguel Arnal Arnal, Gumersindo Verdú Martín.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2007
García García, Dionisio Miguel. Influence of cavitation on the electrochemical behaviour of welded duplex stainless steel in LiBr absorption systems by means of electrochemical techniques and image analysis. Dir. José García Antón, Anna Neus Igual Muñoz.
Marder, L. Study of the transport of metallic ions through a cation-exchange membrane by means of cronopotentiometry. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz, Jane Zoppas Ferreira.
Mayo Nogueira, Patricia. Automated assessment of the quality of an image obtained from analogical and digital mammography units. Restoration techniques for mammographic images. Dir: Gumersindo Verdú Martín, Francisco Ródenas Escribá.
Reyes Pineda, H. A study on the recovery of hexavalent chromium by an electrochemical reactor with compartments separated by ceramic separators. Dir. Valentin Perez Herranz.
Viera Pavía, José Luis. Study of the static and dynamic behaviour of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Dir. Valentín Pérez Herranz, José Luís Guiñón Segura.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2006
Blasco Tamarit, María Encarnación. Corrosion behaviour of welded stainless steel and titanium in LiBr absorption systems by means of electrochemical techniques and image analysis. Dir: José García Antón, Anna Neus Igual Muñoz.
Montoro Pastor, Alicia. Assessment of ethanolic extract of propolis radioprotector effect on in vitro cultures using Biological Dosimetry. Dir: Gumersindo Verdú Martín , Joan Francesc Barquinero Estruch.
Ramos Pascual, Miguel. Evaluation of Monte Carlo methods for digital mammography units of the Valencian Breast Screening Program. Dir: Gumersindo Verdú Martín.
Valero Gómez, Ana María. Corrosion behaviour of copper weldings in LiBr absorption systems by means of electrochemical techniques and image analysis. Dir: José García Antón, Anna Neus Igual Muñoz.
Vincent Vela, María Cinta. Dynamic modelling of crossflow ultrafiltration processes in the case of the separation of macromolecules. Dir: Jaime Lora García, Silvia Álvarez Blanco.
:: PhD Thesis finished during 2005
Campayo Esteban, Juan Manuel. Digital images quality indicators on Mammographic Quality Control Programmes. Dir: Gumersindo Verdú Martín , Francisco de Asís Ródenas Escribá.
Cuartas Uribe, Beatriz. Study of the nanofiltration process for the demineralization of sweet whey. Dir: Enrique Soriano Costa , Mª Isabel Alcaina Miranda.
García Gabaldón, Montserrat. Electrochemical study and recovery of tin and palladium by means o fan electrochemical reactor with separated compartments. Dir: Valentín Pérez Herranz , José García Antón .
León Blasco, Asunción. Application of Monte Carlo code MCNP to brachytherapy dosimetry with Leipzig applicator. Dir: Gumersindo Verdú Martín.
Pineda Santos, Alicia. A study on the treatment of high zirconium silicate content water by means of Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration. Dir: María Sancho Fernández, Jaime Lora García
Santafé Moros, Asunción. Study of the influence of ionic composition and pH on the nanofiltration performance for drinking-water production from nitrate polluted ground water. Dir: José M. Gozálvez Zafrilla, Jaime Lora García.
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