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ISIRYM Institute has many recognized experts in their field, with continuously updated knowledge. More than 60 experts made available for students and companies. Every course has a tight quality control established by the University. Hence, the official certificates expended by the UPVLV are highly recognized by the industrial and research sectors.
The research Institute ISIRYM is strongly related with its social and economic environment by means of many agreements and contracts with different companies. Because of this, any company can choose between existing training courses or special courses for their specifics needs.
Ph.D Program
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), there are currently 440 nuclear reactors in operation around the world. New reactors are being built in countries such as the US, China, the UK, France, Japan and Brazil, while other reactors are in permanent shutdown. Some of them have already been dismantled, others are currently in the process of being dismantled and others will be dismantled in the future. Spain has various nuclear reactors, including reactors that are in operation, in permanent shutdown and in the process of being dismantled.
In addition to nuclear power plants and other nuclear fuel cycle facilities (nuclear facilities), there are over a thousand radioactive facilities in operation in Spain, in the industrial sector, in medical applications, in education and in research. As a result, monitoring environmental and natural radioactivity is becoming increasingly important in the social and environmental spheres. The special case of radon gas and the presence of NORM (naturally occurring radioactive material) in certain industries such as ceramics and the construction industry are particularly noteworthy.
It must be ensured that the operation of nuclear and radioactive facilities does not harm the health of people (workers in the facilities and the general public), or damage the environment in any way. Therefore, studies aimed at monitoring and improving the nuclear safety and radiological protection of those facilities are vitally important.
The main aim of the Master's Degree in Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection is to allow students to acquire expertise and skills in the field of nuclear safety and radiological protection. The aim of nuclear safety is to reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring and mitigate their consequences. In turn, radiological protection is a set of scientific and technical multidisciplinary activities whose purpose is to protect people and the environment from the harmful effects that can result from exposure to ionising radiation.
Aimed at
-University graduates of Engineering: Industrial Technologies, Materials, Energy, Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic.
-University graduates of Physical and Chemical Sciences.
-Graduates of Engineering (Industrial, Chemical, Mechanical, Materials, Electrical and Electronic), according to the previous rules on University Academic Planning
-Graduates of Physical and Chemical Sciences, according to the previous rules on University Academic Planning.
Number of credits
You can find more information at the website of the UPV Master Degree's.
Industrial Safety is the discipline in charge of the prevention and limitation of risks, as well as the protection against accidents able to produce severe damage to people, goods or the environment derived from industrial activity, from the use, functioning and maintenance of installations and equipment, as well as from the production, use or consumption of industrial products. Its scope covers installations in the industrial environment but also establishments of public concurrence (hotels, petrol stations, hospitals, etc.) and products and services of everyday use (vehicles, electrical appliances, lifts, heating, etc.).
There is currently no official university master's degree in industrial safety in Spain. This master's degree will enable engineering professionals to be qualified in this specific discipline and respond to a social and business need to protect people, property and the environment from the consequences of failures in installations. In addition, it will enable the incorporation of professionals who provide an overall vision in this area into the labour market. Professionals who effectively and efficiently manage and control the installations, as well as comply with the legal requirements and documentation requirements with the Administration.
Professionals from national and international companies of recognised prestige, business associations and professional associations teach 50 % of the master's degree so that students will be provided with a practical and realistic vision of the performance of the profession for which they are being trained.
The objective is to train engineering professionals specialised in industrial safety able to coordinate, manage and execute the tasks in this field to prevent and control the risks derived from the use and functioning of facilities, equipment, products and services, identifying and assessing the legal, organisational, technical, technological and environmental conditioning factors.
Number of credits
You can find more information at the website of the UPV Master Degree's.
Postgraduate Training (short courses, special courses for companies, etc.)
The DIQN offers the Master UPV in Radiological Protection in Radioactive and Nuclear Facilities. TITANIA Technological Services, UPV spin-off, collaborates in its development and coordination and other paticipants entities are: Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, Iberdrola, Enresa, GD Energy Services S.A.U., Tecnatom, Instituto de Seguridad Industrial Radiofísica y Medioambiental (ISIRYM), Hospital Clínico Universitario, Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe, Centro Nacional de Dosimetría, Sección de Seguridad Radiológica de la Conselleria de Gobernación y Justicia, Protección Civil de la Delegación del Gobierno en la Comunidad Valenciana, Regimiento Nuclear Biológico Químico Radiológico, Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Oncovisión, etc.
More information is available in the website Master UPV in Radiological Protection in Radioactive and Nuclear Facilities and on the website Postgraduate Training Center.
Postgraduate courses
ISIRYM offers posgraduate courses in collaboration with the Postgraduate Training Center of the UPVLC. More nformation regarding these courses is available at the Postgraduate Training Center website, and also at the "news" section of this website.
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