GL2S group

Line 2. Development of instrumentation for monitoring of biological wastewater treatments

The biological wastewater treatments are widely used for domestic or urban wastewaters, and in some special cases, for industrial wastewaters. To control and optimize such treatment processes, we need to known in real time the extent of the interaction biomass-pollutant. In this area our work focuses on the development of instrumentation and data-analysis tools for the determination of some phenomena such as the biomass growth, oxygen uptake rates, pollutant assimilation rates, toxicity, etc.

In this context, the GL2S group has developed a hybrid respirometer and the software allowing the determination of biokinetic constants. Additionally, a sequential batch reactor (SBR) has been set-up allowing the acclimation of biomass to particular industrial wastewater to study the technical viability of the biological treatment.



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RTD - Research groups:




· GL2S

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