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Articles published during 2023
Chillarón-Pérez, Mónica; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio. Few-View CT Image Reconstruction via Least-Squares Methods: Assessment and Optimization. Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 198, pp. 193 - 206. 2023. ISSN 0029-5639. DOI:10.1080/00295639.2023.2199677
Hursin, Mathieu; Zoia, Andrea; Rouchon, Amélie; Brighenti, Alberto; Vinai, Paolo; Zmijarevic, I.; Santandrea, S.; Mylonakis, Antonios; Yi, H.; Demazière, Christophe; Lamirand, Vicent; Ambrozic, K.; Yamamoto, Toshihiro; Hübner, S.; Knospe, A.; Lange, Carsten; Yum, S.; Macián, Rafael; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Modeling noise experiments performed at AKR-2 and CROCUS zero-power reactors. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 194, pp. 1 - 16. 2023. ISSN 0306-4549. DOI:10.1016/j.anucene.2023.110066
Noverques-Medina, Aina; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Sancho-Fernández, María Pino; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo. Determination of the radon transfer velocity coefficient in water under static and turbulent conditions. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 210, 2023. ISSN 0969-806X. DOI:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2023.111057
Oliver-Gil, Sandra; Morató-Rafet, Sergio; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Tejedor, Natalia; Perez-Calatayud, José. MLEM Neutron Spectra Unfolding in a Radiotherapy Bunker using Bonner Sphere Spectrometer. Nuclear Science and Engineering. pp. 1 - 10. 2023. ISSN 0029-5639. DOI:10.1080/00295639.2023.2192312
Oliver-Gil, Sandra; Giménez-Alventosa, Vicent; Berumen, Francisco; Giménez-Gómez, Vicente; Beaulieu, Luc; Ballester, Facundo; Vijande-Asenjo, Javier. Benchmark of the PenRed Monte Carlo framework for HDR brachytherapy. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik. Vol. 33, pp. 511 - 528. 2023. ISSN 0939-3889. DOI:10.1016/j.zemedi.2022.11.002
Oliver-Gil, Sandra; Vijande-Asenjo, Javier; Tejedor, Natalia; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Rovira-Escutia, Juan José; Ballester, Facundo; Juste-Vidal, Belén-Jeanne; Carmona, Vicente; Felici, Giuseppe; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Sanchis-Peris, Enrique; Conde-Moreno, Antonio José; Pérez-Calatayud, José. Monte Carlo flattening filter design to high energy intraoperative electron beam homogenization. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 212, pp. 1 - 6. 2023. ISSN 0969-806X. DOI:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2023.111102
Oliver-Gil, Sandra; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Toolkit implementation to exchange phase-space files between IAEA and MCNP6 monte Carlo code format. International Journal of Radiation Biology. Vol. 99, pp. 373 - 383. 2023. ISSN 0955-3002. DOI:10.1080/09553002.2022.2110296
Trull-Hernandis, Cristina; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Gauthier, Pierre-Jean; Sancho-Fernández, María Pino. Estudio de las técnicas de medida de gas radón en volcanes: caracterización de la biodisponibilidad del radón en áreas volcánicas. Radioprotección. pp. 21 - 29. 2023. ISSN 1133-1747.
Vinai, Paolo; Yi, Huaiqian; Demazière, Christophe; Rouchon, Amélie; Zoia, Andrea; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. On the simulation of neutron noise induced by vibrations of fuel pins in a fuel assembly. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 181, pp. 1 - 13. 2023. ISSN 0306-4549. DOI:10.1016/j.anucene.2022.109521
Articles published during 2022
Cabañero, Belén; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne. Dosis dispersa en radioterapia intraoperatoria. Radioprotección. 2022. ISSN 1133-1747.
Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Frequency-domain models in the SPN approximation for neutron noise calculations. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 148, pp. 1 - 11. 2022. ISSN 0149-1970. DOI: 10.1016/j.pnucene.2022.104233
Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda; Bergamaschi, Luca; Martínez, María Ángeles; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Strategies of preconditioner updates for sequences of linear systems associated with the neutron diffusion. Computational and Mathematical Methods. pp. 1 - 13. 2022. ISSN 2577-7408. DOI:10.1155/2022/3884836
Milián-Sánchez, Víctor; Iglesias-Martínez, Miguel Enrique; Scholkmann, Félix; Fernández De Córdoba, Pedro José; Castro-Palacio, Juan Carlos; Sahu, Sarira; Mocholí-Salcedo, Antonio; Mocholí-Belenguer, Ferran; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Kolombet, Valeriy A.; Panchelyuga, Victor A. Reply to: Role of ambient humidity underestimated in research on correlation between radioactive decay rates and space weather. Scientific Reports. Vol. 12, pp. 2530-1 - 2530-3. 2022. ISSN 2045-2322. DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-06179-7
Mocholí-Salcedo, Antonio; Mocholí-Belenguer, Ferran; Milian-Sánchez, Víctor; Guerra-Carmenate, José; Iglesias-Martínez, Miguel Enrique; Fernández De Córdoba, Pedro José; Castro-Palacio, Juan Carlos; Sahu, Sarira; Monsoriu-Serra, Juan Antonio; Lorduy-Alós, María; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Kolombet, Valeriy A.; Panchelyuga, Victor A. Variability of coil inductance measurements inside an interleaving structure. Scientific Reports. Vol. 12, pp. 1 - 7. 2022. ISSN 2045-2322. DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-20391-5
Noverques-Medina, Aina; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Sancho-Fernández, María Pino; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Análisis de la influencia del proceso de muestreo de radón en agua. Nuclear España. 2022. ISSN 1137-2885.
Pantera, Laurent; Stulík, Petr; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Ioannou, George; Tasakos, Thanos; Alexandridis, Georgios; Stafylopatis, Andreas. Localizing perturbations in Pressurized Water Reactors using one-dimensional deep convolutional neural networks. Sensors. Vol. 22, 113, pp. 1 - 22. 2022. ISSN 1424-8220. DOI:10.3390/s22010113
Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Chillarón-Pérez, Mónica; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. High-performance reconstruction of CT medical images by using out-of-core methods in GPU. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Vol. 218, pp. 1 - 11. 2022. ISSN 0169-2607. DOI:10.1016/j.cmpb.2022.106725
Ruvira-Quintana, Beatriz; García-Fayos, Beatriz; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Arnal-Arnal, José Miguel; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Experimental estimation of the diffusion coefficient in radon barrier materials based on ISO/TS 11665-13:2017. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 193, pp. 1 - 8. 2022. ISSN 0969-806X. DOI:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2022.109993
Ruvira-Quintana, Beatriz; García-Fayos, Beatriz; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Arnal-Arnal, José Miguel; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Determination of the radon diffusion coefficient of thin polyethene and aluminium foils used as single or multilayer configuration barriers. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 200, pp. 1 - 5. 2022. ISSN 0969-806X. DOI:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2022.110329
Trull-Hernandis, Cristina; Sancho-Fernández, María Pino; Arnal-Arnal, José Miguel; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Exposición a radón en viviendas: influencia de hábitos de ocupación. Nuclear España. Vol. 447, pp. 1 - 5. 2022. ISSN 1137-2885.
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Dokhane, Abdelhamid; Verma, Vasudha; Perin, Yann; Herb, Joachim; Mylonakis, Antonios; Demazière, Christophe; Vinai, Paolo. Modelling and simulations of reactor neutron noise induced by mechanical vibrations. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 177, pp. 1 - 21. 2022. ISSN 0306-4549. DOI:10.1016/j.anucene.2022.109300
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Edge-wise perturbations to model vibrating fuel assemblies in the frequency-domain using FEMFFUSION: development and verification. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 175, pp. 1 - 12. 2022. ISSN 0306-4549. DOI:10.1016/j.anucene.2022.109246
Articles published during 2021
Capilla-Roma, María Teresa; Talavera-Usano, César Félix; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Analysis of the PHWR benchmark transient using a high-order spherical harmonics-nodal collocation method and treatment of rod cusping effect. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 135, pp. 1 - 10. 2021. ISSN 0149-1970. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Capilla-Roma, María Teresa; Balaguer-Beser, Ángel Antonio; Nácher-Rodríguez, Beatriz; Vallés-Morán, Francisco José. A high-order numerical method for sediment transport problems simulation and its comparison with laboratory experiments. Computational and Mathematical Methods. Vol. 3, pp. 1 - 17. 2021. ISSN 2577-7408. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda María; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Adaptive time-step control for modal methods to integrate the neutron diffusion equation. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. Vol. 53, pp. 399 - 413. 2021. ISSN 1738-5733. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda María; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Adaptive time-step control for the modal method to integrate the multigroup neutron diffusion equation. EPJ Web of Conferences (Online). Vol. 247, pp. 1 - 8. 2021. ISSN 2100-014X. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda María; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Time-dependent simplified spherical harmonics formulations for a nuclear reactor system. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. Vol. 53, pp. 3861 - 3878. 2021. ISSN 1738-5733. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Giménez-Alventosa, Vicent; Giménez-Gómez, Vicente; Oliver-Gil, Sandra. PenRed: An extensible and parallel Monte-Carlo framework for radiation transport based on PENELOPE. Computer Physics Communications. Vol. 267, pp. 1 - 12. 2021. ISSN 0010-4655.
Gómez-Zarzuela Quel, Consuelo; Chiva-Vicent, Sergio; Peña-Monferrer, Carlos; Miró-Herrero, Rafael. Development and validation of a one-dimensional solver in a CFD platform for boiling flows in bubbly regimes. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 134, pp. 1 - 16. 2021. ISSN 0149-1970. Research Project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Lorduy-Alós, María; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Appliance of scaling methodologies for designing counterpart experiments dominated by natural circulation phenomena. Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 384, pp. 1 - 13. 2021. ISSN 0029-5493. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Lorduy-Alós, María; Querol-Vives, Andrea; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Break location influence in pressure vessel SBLOCA scenarios. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences. Vol. 8, pp. 1 - 17. 2021. ISSN 2319-0612. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Morató-Rafet, Sergio; Kochunas, Brendan; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Larsen, Edward W.; Downar, Thomas. Lambda modes comparison for different approximations of the neutron transport equation: Diffusion, SN and SP3. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 154, pp. 1 - 22. 2021. ISSN 0306-4549. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Sancho-Fernández, María Pino; Arnal-Arnal, José Miguel; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Trull-Hernandis, Cristina; García-Fayos, Beatriz. Management of hospital radioactive liquid waste: treatment proposal for radioimmunoassay wastes. AIMS Environmental Science. Vol. 8, pp. 449 - 464. 2021. ISSN 2372-0352. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda María; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Demazière, Christophe. A finite element method for neutron noise analysis in hexagonal reactors. EPJ Web of Conferences (Online). Vol. 247, pp. 1 - 8. 2021. ISSN 2100-014X. Researh Project CORTEX (GA. 754316) result funded by European Comission and Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Articles published during 2020
Capilla-Roma, María Teresa; Talavera-Usano, César Félix; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Validation of the SHNC time-dependent transport code based on the spherical harmonics method for complex nuclear fuel assemblies. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 375, pp. 1 - 21. 2020. ISSN 0377-0427. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and FEDER funds
Chillarón-Pérez, Mónica; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Computed tomography medical image reconstruction on affordable equipment by using Out-Of-Core techniques. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Vol. 193, pp. 1 - 11. 2020. ISSN 0169-2607. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Chillarón-Pérez, Mónica; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. CT image reconstruction with SuiteSparseQR factorization package. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 167, 2020. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Chillarón-Pérez, Mónica; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Evaluation of image filters for their integration with LSQR computerized tomography reconstruction method. PLoS ONE. Vol. 15, pp. 1 - 14. 2020. ISSN 1932-6203. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana
García-Fayos, Beatriz; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Sancho-Fernández, María Pino; Arnal-Arnal, José Miguel; Noverques-Medina, Aina; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Study of potential capacity as adsorbent of Moringa oleifera substrates for treatment of radon contaminated air in indoor spaces: Preliminary test. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 167, pp. 1 - 3. 2020. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funde by Generalitat Valenciana and project MEMO RADION (IDIFEDER/2018/038) co-funded by la Generalitat Valenciana and FEDER funds.
Iglesias-Martínez, Miguel Enrique; Castro-Palacio, Juan Carlos; Scholkmann, Felix; Milián-Sánchez, Victor; Fernández De Córdoba Castellá, Pedro José; Mocholí-Salcedo, Antonio; Mocholí-Belenguer, Ferran; Kolombet, Valeriy Alexandrovich; Panchelyuga, Victor A.; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Correlations between background radiation inside a multilayer interleaving structure, geomagnetic activity, and cosmic radiation: A Fourth-Order Cumulant-Based Correlation Analysis. Mathematics. Vol. 8, pp. 1 - 8. 2020. ISSN 2227-7390.
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Morató-Rafet, Sergio; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Prieto-Escribano, Ana Isabel; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Genovés-Gracia, Rafael; Gimeno-Olmos, José. Development of a reconstruction methodology for the X-Ray spectrum of a medical LinAc positioning flat panel. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 167, pp. 1 - 5. 2020. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funde by Generalitat Valenciana
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Morató-Rafet, Sergio; García-Garrido, Clara; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Monte Carlo code application to the study of 3D neutrons distribution in a radiotherapy bunker and validation with experimental measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment. Vol. 954, pp. 1 - 5. 2020. ISSN 0168-9002. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Morató-Rafet, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Peris-Burguet, Sandra. Prostate cancer Monte Carlo dose model with (177)Lutetium and (125)Iodine treatments. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 174, pp. 1 - 6. 2020. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Lorduy-Alós, María; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Scaling analysis of an IBLOCA counterpart test between the ATLAS and LSTF facilities. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 127, pp. 1 - 13. 2020. ISSN 0149-1970. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Mesado-Melià, Carles; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Application case for phase III of UAM-LWR benchmark: Uncertainty propagation of thermal-hydraulic macroscopic parameters. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. Vol. 52, pp. 1626 - 1637. 2020. ISSN 1738-5733. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Mesado-Melià, Carles; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Methodology for neutronic uncertainty propagation and application to a UAM-LWR benchmark. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 126, pp. 1 - 12. 2020. ISSN 0149-1970. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Milián-Sánchez, Victor; Scholkmann, Felix; Fernández De Córdoba Castellá, Pedro José; Mocholí-Salcedo, Antonio; Mocholí-Belenguer, Ferran; Iglesias-Martínez, Miguel Enrique; Castro-Palacio, Juan Carlos; Kolombet, V.A.; Panchelyuga, Victor A.; Verdú- Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Fluctuations in measured radioactive decay rates inside a modified Faraday cage: Correlations with space weather. Scientific Reports. Vol. 10, pp. 8525-1 - 8525-12. 2020. ISSN 2045-2322.
Morató-Rafet, Sergio; Bernal-García, Álvaro; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Román-Moltó, José Enrique; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Calculation of Lambda modes of the multi-group neutron transport equation using the discrete ordinates and Finite Difference Method. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 137, pp. 1 - 15. 2020. ISSN 0306-4549. Research projects ENE2015-68353-P and ENE2017-89029-P results funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Noverques-Medina, Aina; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Sancho-Fernández, María Pino; García-Fayos, Beatriz; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Study of the influence of radon in water on radon levels in air in a closed location. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 171, pp. 1 - 7. 2020. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana and project MEMO RADION (IDIFEDER/2018/038) co-funde by Generalitat Valenciana and FEDER funds.
Ordóñez-Ródenas, José; Martorell-Alsina, Sebastián Salvador; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Ortiz-Moragón, Josefina. Monte Carlo model of a BEGe detector to support gamma-spectrometry in an emergency response. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 172, pp. 1 - 7. 2020. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Ródenas-Diago, José; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Analysis of nuclear reactions to determine the radionuclides generated and its activity in various devices. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 167, pp. 1 - 6. 2020. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Sánchez, María Guadalupe; Fajardo-Delgado, Daniel; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. A hybrid genetic algorithm to reduce the radiation dose in CR images. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 167, 2020. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Tkachenko-Gorski, Igor Mijail; Korepanova, Nadezhda; Pepelyshev, Yuri; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Application of Toplitz matrices to neutron noise diagnostics of the IBR-2M pulsed reactor. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 127, pp. 103463. 2020. ISSN 0149-1970.
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda María; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. A block Arnoldi method for the SPN equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Vol. 97, pp. 341 - 357. 2020. ISSN 0020-7160. Research project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda María; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Demazière, Christophe; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. A time and frequency domain analysis of the effect of vibrating fuel assemblies on the neutron noise. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 137, pp. 1 - 12. 2020. ISSN 0306-4549. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda María; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Demazière, Christophe; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Neutronic Simulation of Fuel Assembly Vibrations in a Nuclear Reactor. Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 194, pp. 1067 - 1078. 2020. ISSN 0029-5639. Research project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Articles published during 2019
Capilla-Roma, María Teresa; Talavera-Usano, César Félix. High-order spherical harmonics-nodal collocation scheme for the numerical solution of the time-dependent radiative transfer equation. Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision. Vol. 36, pp. 38-50. 2019. ISSN 0740-3232. Research project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda; Bergamaschi, Luca; Martínez-Calomardo, Ángeles; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo. Block preconditioning matrices for the Newton method to compute the dominant lambda modes associated with the neutron diffusion equation. Mathematical and Computational Applications (Online). Vol. 24, pp. 157-170. 2019. ISSN 2297-8747. Research project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda; Antoni Vidal Ferràndiz; Ginestar-Peiró, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo. Modal methods for the neutron diffusion equation using different spatial modes. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 115, pp. 181-193. 2019. ISSN 0149-1970. Research project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Ródenas-Diago, José; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo. Unfolding X-ray spectra using a flat panel detector. Determination of the accuracy of the method with the Monte Carlo method. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 155, pp. 233-238. 2019. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by la Generalitat Valenciana
Hidalga, Patricio; Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Sekhri, Abdelkrim; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo. A multi-scale and multi-physics simulation methodology with the state-of-the-art tools for safety analysis in light water reactors applied to a turbine trip scenario (PART I). Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 350, pp. 195-204. 2019. ISSN 0029-5493. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Hidalga, Patricio; Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Sekhri, Abdelkrim; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo. A multi-scale and multi-physics simulation methodology with the state-of-the-art tools for safety analysis in Light Water Reactors applied to a Turbine Trip scenario (Part II). Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 350, pp. 205-213. 2019. ISSN 0029-5493. Research Project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Labarile, Antonella; Mesado-Melia, Carles; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo. Cross-Section Generation Using TXT2NTAB Code for Uncertainty Propagation with Burnup Dependence. Nuclear Technology. Vol. 205, pp. 1675-1684. 2019. ISSN 0029-5450. Research projects ENE2015-68353-P and ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Martínez-Ferri, Javier Enrique; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Ortiz-Moragón, Josefina; Martorell-Alsina, Sebastián. Developing a novelty method to estimate Radon doses in a Waste Water pre-Treatment Plant. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 155, pp. 323-327. 2019. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana and project MEMO RADION (IDIFEDER/2018/038) co-financed by Generalitat Valenciana and by FEDER funds
Morató-Rafet, Sergio; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo; Guàrdia-Almenar, Vicent. Evaluation of the response of a Bonner Sphere Spectrometer with a (LiI)-Li-6 detector using 3D meshed MCNP6.1.1 models. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 155, pp. 221-224. 2019. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Muñoz-Cobo, José Luís; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Wysocki, Aaron; Soler-Domingo, Amparo. 3D calculation of the lambda eigenvalues and eigenmodes of the two-group neutron diffusion equation by coarse-mesh nodal methods. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 110, pp. 393-409. 2019. ISSN 0149-1970. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Noverques-Medina, Aina; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Sancho-Fernández, María Pino. Experimental radon exhalation measurements: Comparison of different techniques. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 155, pp. 319-322. 2019. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana and by MEMO RADION (IDIFEDER/2018/038) co-funded by Generalitat Valenciana and by FEDER funds
Noverques-Medina, Aina; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Sancho-Fernández, María Pino; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo. Estudio de la exhalación de Radón en función de la cantidad de humedad en el suelo. Nuclear España. Vol. 404, pp. 35-38. 2019. ISSN 1137-2885. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana and project MEMO RADION (IDIFEDER/2018/038) co-funded by Generalitat Valenciana and by FEDER funds
Olmo-Juan, Nicolás; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú- Martín, Gumersindo; Pereira, Claubia. A comparative study of boron transport models in NRC thermal-hydraulic code TRACE. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences. Vol. 7, pp. 1-18. 2019. ISSN 2319-0612. Research project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Olmo-Juan, Nicolás; Demazière, Christophe; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo. PARCS vs CORE SIM neutron noise simulations. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 115, pp. 169-180. 2019. ISSN 0149-1970. Research project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Ordóñez-Ródenas, José; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Ortiz-Moragón, Josefina; Martorell-Alsina, Sebastián. Coincidence summing correction factors for 238U and 232Th decay series using the Monte Carlo method. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 155, pp. 244-247. 2019. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Ordóñez-Ródenas, José; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Ortiz-Moragón, Josefina; Sáez-Muñoz, Marina; Martorell-Alsina, Sebastián. Intercomparison of full energy peak efficiency curves for an HPGe detector using MCNP6 and GEANT4. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 155, pp. 248-251. 2019. ISSN 0969-806X. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Reis, Patricia A. L.; Costa, Antonella L.; Pereira, Claubia; Veloso, Maria A. F.; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo. Evaluation of the neutronic feedback effects in loss of coolant accident simulation of the IPR-R1 TRIGA reactor. Computational Thermal Sciences. Vol. 11, pp. 243-254. 2019. ISSN 1940-2503. Research projects ENE2017-89029-P and ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by EDER funds
Ródenas-Diago, José; Jabaloyas-Cases, Eva. Analysis of radionuclide production in cyclotrons for application in positron emission tomography (PET). Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 322, pp. 1691-1695. 2019. ISSN 0236-5731. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Ródenas-Diago, José; Tondeur, François; Cechak, Tomas; Musilek, Ladislav; Janssens, Herwig; Scherer, Ulrich; Hoyler, Friedrich; Mostacci, Domiziano. CHERNE: prehistory and early days of the network. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. Vol. 174, pp. 954-964. 2019. ISSN 1042-0150. Project BIORA PROMETEO/2018/035 result funded by Generalitat Valenciana
Articles published during 2018
Bernal-García, Álvaro; Román-Moltó, José Enrique; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Calculation of multiple eigenvalues of the neutron diffusion equation discretized with a parallelized finite volume method. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 105, pp. 271 - 278. 2018. ISSN 0149-1970. Research projects ENE2015-68353-P and ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Capilla-Roma, María Teresa; Talavera-Usano, César Félix; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Numerical analysis of the 2D C5G7 MOX benchmark using PL equations and a nodal collocation method. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 114, pp. 32 - 41. 2018. ISSN 0306-4549. Research project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI adn by FEDER funds
Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda María; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Block hybrid multilevel method to compute the dominant lambda-modes of the neutron diffusion equation. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 121, pp. 513 - 524. 2018. ISSN 0306-4549. Research project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Lorduy-Alós, María; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Simulation studies on natural circulation phenomena during an SBO accident. Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 139, pp. 514 - 523. 2018. ISSN 1359-4311. Research project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Peña-Monferrer, Carlos; Gómez-Zarzuela, Consuelo; Chiva-Vicent, Sergio; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Muñoz-Cobo, José Luís. On the one-dimensional modeling of vertical upward bubbly flow. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. pp. 1 - 10. 2018. ISSN 1687-6075.
JRouxelin, P., Strydom, G., Alfonsi, A., Ivanov, K. The IAEA CRP on HTGR uncertainties: Sensitivity study of PHISICS/RELAP5-3D MHTGR-350 core calculations using various SCALE/NEWT cross-section sets for Ex. II-1a Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 329, pp. 156 - 166. 2017. ISSN 0029-5493. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; González-Pintor, Sebastián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Demazière, Christophe. Pin-wise homogenization for SPN neutron transport approximation using the finite element method. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 330, pp. 806 - 821. 2018. ISSN 0377-0427. Research project ENE2017-89029-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Articles published during 2017
Arnal-Arnal, José Miguel; Sancho-Fernández, María Pino; García-Fayos, Beatriz; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Serrano-Gil, Cristina; Ruiz-Martínez, José Tomás. Declassification of radioactive water from a pool type reactor after nuclear facility dismantling. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 138, pp. 72 - 74. 2017. ISSN 0969-806X.
Álvarez-Velarde, F.; Becarés, V.; Cano, D.; Cobos, J.; Feria, F.; García, M.; García- Herranz, , N.; Herranz, Luis Enrique; López, D.; Martorell-Alsina, Sebastián Salvador; Perlado, M.; Queral, César; Serrano, M.; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. R&D activities of the Spanish research institutions and universities on GEN IV reactors and advanced nuclear systems. Nuclear España. pp. 28 - 33. 2017. ISSN 1137-2885.
Bernal-García, Álvaro; Hébert, Alain; Román-Moltó, José Enrique; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. A Krylov-Schur solution of the eigenvalue problem for the neutron diffusion equation discretized with the Raviart-Thomas method. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. Vol. 54, pp. 1085 - 1094. 2017. ISSN 0022-3131. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Bernal-Garcia, Álvaro; Román-Moltó, José Enrique; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Multigroup neutron diffusion equation with the finite volume method in reactors using MOX fuels. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. Vol. 54, pp. 1251 - 1260. 2017. ISSN 0022-3131. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Capilla-Roma, María Teresa; Talavera-Usano, César Félix; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. A study of the radiative transfer equation using a spherical harmonics-nodal collocation method. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Vol. 189, pp. 25 - 36. 2017. ISSN 0022-4073. Research project ENE2014-59442-P result funded by por MEC/ AEI
Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda María; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Multilevel method to compute the lambda modes of the neutron diffusion equation. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences. Vol. 2, pp. 225 - 236. 2017. ISSN 2444-8656. Research project ENE2014-59442-P result funded by MEC/ AEI
Carreño-Sánchez, Amanda María; Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Spatial modes for the neutron diffusion equation and their computation. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 110, pp. 1010 - 1022. 2017. ISSN 0306-4549. Research project ENE2014-59442-P result funded by MEC/ AEI
García-Fenoll, Marina; Mesado-Melià, Carles; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Bermejo, Juan A.; López, Arturo; Ortego, Alberto. Validation of 3D neutronic-thermalhydraulic coupled codes RELAP5/PARCSv2.7 and TRACEv5.0P3/PARCSv3.0 against a PWR control rod drop transient. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. Vol. 54, pp. 908 - 919. 2017. ISSN 0022-3131. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Jia Hou, J., Ivanov, K.N., Boyarinov, V.F., Fomichenko, P.A OECD/NEA benchmark for time-dependent neutron transport calculations without spatial homogenization. Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 317 (1), pp. 177 - 189. 2017. ISSN 0029-5493. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Juste-Vidal, Belen Jeanne; Morató-Rafet, Sergio; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Díez-Domingo, Sergio. MCNP6 unstructured mesh application to estimate the photoneutron distribution and induced activity inside a linac bunker. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 137, pp. 18 - 22. 2017. ISSN 0969-806X.
Martínez-Ferri, Javier Enrique; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Ortiz-Moragón, Josefina; Martorell-Alsina, Sebastián Salvador; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Air radon equilibrium factor measurement in a Waste Water Pre-Treatment Plant. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 140, pp. 20 - 24. 2017. ISSN 0969-806X.
Mocholí-Salcedo, Antonio; Arroyo-Núñez, José Humberto; Milian-Sánchez, Víctor; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Arroyo-Núñez, Alexander. Traffic control magnetic loops electric characteristics variation due to the passage of vehicles over them. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 18, pp. 1540 - 1548. 2017. ISSN 1524-9050.
Morató-Rafet, Sergio; Juste-Vidal, Belen Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Varian Clinac 6 MeV photon spectra unfolding using a Monte Carlo meshed model. EPJ Web of Conferences (Online). Vol. 153, pp. 1 - 7. 2017. ISSN 2101-6275.
Parcero-Iglesia, Estíbaliz; Flores, Liubov; Sánchez, María Guadalupe; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Impact of view reduction in CT on radiation dose for patients. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 137, pp. 173 - 175. 2017. ISSN 0969-806X.
Ramos-Peinado, Enrique; Román-Moltó, José Enrique; Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Bermejo, Juan A.; Ortego, Alberto; Posada-Barral, José María. Verification of the parallel pin-wise core simulator pCTF/PARCSv3.2 in operational control rod drop transient scenarios. Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 187, pp. 254 - 267. 2017. ISSN 0029-5639. Research project ENE2014-59442-P result funded by MEC/ AEI
Ródenas-Diago, José. Application of the Monte Carlo method to estimate doses due to neutron activation of different materials in a nuclear reactor. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 140, pp. 442 - 446. 2017. ISSN 0969-806X.
Scholkmann, Felix; Sánchez, Victor Milián; Mocholí-Salcedo, Antonio; Milián- Enrique, Carles; Kolombet, Valeriy Alexandrovich; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Anomalous effects of radioactive decay rates and capacitance values measured inside a modified Faraday cage: Correlations with space weather. EPL (Europhysics Letters). Vol. 117, pp. 62002-1 - 62002-3. 2017. ISSN 0295-5075.
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; González-Pintor, Sebastián; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Demazière, Christophe. Schwarz type preconditioners for the neutron diffusion equation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 309, pp. 563 - 574. 2017. ISSN 0377-0427. Research project ENE2014-59442-P result funded by MEC/ AEI
Articles published during 2016
Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Bermejo, Juan Antonio. Analysis of thermal-hydraulic fluctuations in Trillo NPP with CTF/PARCS v. 2.7 coupled code. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. Vol. 2, pp. 1 - 5. 2016. ISSN 2332-8983. Research project ENE2014-59442-P result funded by MEC/ AEI
Bernal-García, Álvaro; Román-Moltó, José Enrique; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Assembly discontinuity factors for the neutron diffusion equation discretized with the finite volume method. Application to BWR. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 97, pp. 76 - 85. 2016. ISSN 0306-4549. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds and of the research project ENE2014-59442-P funded by MEC/ AEI
Bernal-García, Álvaro; Román-Moltó, José Enrique; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Development of a finite volume inter-cell polynomial expansion method for the neutron diffusion equation. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. Vol. 53, pp. 1212 - 1223. 2016. ISSN 0022-3131. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds and of the research project ENE2014-59442-P funded by MEC/ AEI
Bostelmann, F., Strydom, G., Reitsma, F., Ivanov, K The IAEA coordinated research programme on HTGR uncertainty analysis: Phase I status and Ex. I-1 prismatic reference resultsNuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 306 (1), pp. 77-88. 2016. ISSN 0029-5493. Resultado Proyecto ENE2015-68353-P de investigación financiado por MCIN/ AEI y por FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa
Capilla-Roma, María Teresa; Talavera-Usano, César Félix; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Nodal collocation method for the multidimensional PL equations applied to neutron transport source problems. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 87, pp. 89 - 100. 2016. ISSN 0306-4549. Research project ENE2014-59442-P result funded by MEC/ AEI
Carlos-Alberola, Sofía; Querol-Vives, Andrea; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Sánchez-Sáez, Francisco; Villanueva-López, José Felipe; Martorell-Alsina, Sebastián Salvador; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Post-test analysis of the ROSA/LSTF and PKL counterpart tests. Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 297, pp. 81 - 94. 2016.
García-Herranz, N., Cuervo, D., Sabater, A., Rucabado, G., Sánchez-Cervera, S., Castro, E. Multiscale neutronics/thermal-hydraulics coupling with COBAYA4 code for pin-bypin PWR transient analysisNuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 321, pp. 38-47. 2016. ISSN 0029-5493. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Giubrone, Giuseppe; Ortiz-Moragón, Josefina; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Martorell-Alsina, Sebastián Salvador; Bas-Cerdá, María Del Carmen. Calculation of coincidence summing correction factors for an HPGe detector using GEANT4. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Vol. 158-159, pp. 114 - 118. 2016. ISSN 0265-931X.
Kliem, S., Kozmenkov, Y. Hadek, J. Perin, Y., Fouquet, F., Bernard, F., Sargeni, A., Cuervo, D., Sabater, A., Sánchez-Cervera, S., García-Herranz, N., Zerkak, O., Ferroukhi, H., Mala, P. Testing the NURESIM platform on a PWR main steam line break benchmarkNuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 321, pp. 8-25. 2016. ISSN 0029-5493. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Labarile, Antonella; Olmo-Juan, Nicolás; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Comparison of SERPENT and SCALE methodology for LWRs transport calculations and additionally uncertainty analysis for cross-section perturbation with SAMPLER module. EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies.Vol. 2, pp. 1 - 14. 2016. ISSN 2491-9292. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Milian-Sánchez, Victor; Mocholí-Salcedo, Antonio; Milian, Carlos; Kolombet, V.A.; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Anomalous effects on radiation detectors and capacitance measurements inside a modified Faraday cage. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment. pp. 210 - 228. 2016. ISSN 0168-9002.
Montoro-Pastor, Alegría; Sebastià, Natividad; Hervás, David; Esteban, Valentín; Bonafont, José; Barquinero, Joan Francesc; Almonacid, Miguel; Cervera, José; Such, Esperanza; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Soriano, José Miguel; Villaescusa-Blanca, Juan Ignacio. Analysis of the possible persistent genotoxic damage in workers linked to the ardystil syndrome. Genetic testing and molecular biomarkers. Vol. 20, pp. 94 - 97. 2016. ISSN 1945-0265.
Mota-Babiloni, Adrián; Navarro-Esbrí, Joaquín; Molés-Ribera, Francisco; Barragán-Cervera, Ángel; Peris-Pérez, Bernardo; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. A review of refrigerant R1234ze(E) recent investigations. Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 95, pp. 211 - 222. 2016. ISSN 1359-4311.
Querol-Vives, Andrea; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Analysis of the core exit temperature and the peak cladding temperature during a SBLOCA. Application to a scaled-up model. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. Vol. 2, pp. 1 - 6. 2016. ISSN 2332-8983. Research project ENE2014-59442-P result funded by MEC/ AEI
Ramos-Peinado, Enrique; Román-Moltó, José Enrique; Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Bermejo, Juan A. Control rod drop transient analysis with the coupled parallel code pCTF-PARCSv2.7. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 87, pp. 308 - 317. 2016. ISSN 0306-4549. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Sánchez-Perea, Miguel; Pérez, Julio; Martorell-Alsina, Sebastián Salvador; Carlos-Alberola, Sofía; Villanueva-López, José Felipe; Sánchez-Saez, Francisco; Queral, César; Rebollo, Maria José; Rivas-Lewicky, Julio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Querol-Vives, Andrea; Muñoz-Cobo, José Luís; Escrivá-Castells, Facundo Alberto; Berna-Escriche, César; Reventos-Puigjaner, F.; Freixa, Jordi; Martínez-Quiroga, Victor. Mejora y mantenimiento de códigos termohidráulicos de sistema en base a resultados de los experimentos OECD (PKL, ROSA y ATLAS) y su aplicación a plantas españolas. Proyecto CAMP-ESPAÑA. Nuclear España. pp. 37 - 42. 2016. ISSN 1137-2885.
Spasov, I., Mitkov, S., Kolev, N.P., Sánchez-Cervera, S., García-Herranz, N., Sabater, A., Cuervo, D., Jiménez, J., Sánchez, V.H., Vyskocil, L. Best-estimate simulation of a VVER MSLB core transient using the NURESIM platform codesNuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 321, pp. 26-37. 2016. ISSN 0029-5493. Research project ENE2015-68353-P result funded by MCIN/ AEI and by FEDER funds
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Fayez-Moustafa, Ragab; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Moving meshes to solve the time-dependent neutron diffusion equation in hexagonal geometry. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 291, pp. 197 - 208. 2016. Research project ENE2014-59442-P result funded by MEC/ AEI
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; González-Pintor, Sebastián; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Asadzadeh, Mohammad; Demazière, Christophe. Use of discontinuity factors in high-order finite element methods. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 87, pp. 728 - 738. 2016. ISSN 0306-4549. Research project ENE2014-59442-P funded by MEC/ AEI
Articles published during 2015
Ballesteros-Pascual, Luisa; Ortiz-Moragón, Josefina; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Martorell-Alsina, Sebastián Salvador. An overview of measurements of radionuclides in foods of the Comunidad Valenciana (Spain). Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 116, pp. 111 - 115. 2015. ISSN 0969-806X.
Flores, Liubov Alexandrovna; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. System matrix analysis for computed tomography imaging. PLoS ONE. Vol. 10, pp. 1 - 12. 2015. ISSN 1932-6203.
Flores, Liubov Alexandrovna; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicent Emilio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. GPU based algorithms in CT imaging. Annals of Multicore and GPU Programming. Vol. 2, pp. 25 - 31. 2015. ISSN 2341-3158.
Flores, Liubov Alexandrovna; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicent Emilio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Iterative reconstruction from few-view projections. Procedia Computer Science. Vol. 51, pp. 703 - 712. 2015. ISSN 1877-0509.
Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Querol-Vives, Andrea; Ortiz-Moragón, Josefina; Ródenas-Diago, José; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Villanueva-López, José Felipe. Uncertainty analysis in environmental radioactivity measurements using the Monte Carlo code MCNP5. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 116, pp. 214 - 218. 2015. ISSN 0969-806X.
Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Pozuelo, Fausto; Querol-Vives, Andrea; Ródenas-Diago, José; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Application of the Monte Carlo method to analyze materials used in flat panel detectors to obtain X-ray spectra. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 82, pp. 240 - 251. 2015. ISSN 0306-4549.
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Monasor-Denia, Paula; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Monte Carlo calculation of the spatial response (Modulated Transfer Function) of a scintillation flat panel and comparison with experimental results. Radiation Physics and Chemistry Vol. 116, pp. 181 - 185. 2015. ISSN 0969-806X.
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Abella-Aranda, Vicente; Santos-Serra, Agustín; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Use of MOSFET dosimeters to validate Monte Carlo radiation treatment calculation in an anthropomorphic phantom. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 116, pp. 208 - 213. 2015. ISSN 0969-806X.
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Ortiz-Moragón, Josefina; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Martorell-Alsina, Sebastián Salvador. Air radon concentration decrease in a waste water treatment plant. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. Vol. 164, pp. 497 - 501. 2015. ISSN 0144-8420.
Mota Babiloni, Adrián; Navarro-Esbrí, J.; Barragán-Cervera, Ángel; Molés-Ribera, Francisco; Peris-Pérez, Bernardo; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Commercial refrigeration - an overview of current status. International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 57, pp. 186 - 196. ISSN 0140-7007.
Mota Babiloni, Adrián; Navarro-Esbrí, J.; Barragán-Cervera, Ángel; Molés-Ribera, Francisco; Peris-Pérez, Bernardo; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Análisis basado en el Reglamento (UE) No 517/2014 del R448A como fluido de bajo PCA alternativo al R404A. Frío, Calor, Aire Acondicionado. Vol. 43, pp. 14 - 20. 2015. ISSN 0210-0665.
Mota Babiloni, Adrián; Navarro-Esbrí, J.; Peris-Pérez, Bernardo; Molés-Ribera, Francisco; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Experimental evaluation of R448A as R404A lower-GWP alternative in refrigeration systems. Energy Conversion and Management Vol. 105, pp. 756 - 762. 2015. ISSN 0196-8904.
Navarro-Esbrí, J.; Milian-Sánchez, Víctor; Mota Babiloni, Adrián; Molés-Ribera, Francisco; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Effect of mean void fraction correlations on a shelland- tube evaporator dynamic model performance. Science and Technology for the Built Environment. Vol. 21, pp. 1057 - 1072. 2015. ISSN 2374-4731.
Parcero-Iglesias, Estibaliz; Segrelles-Quilis, José Damián; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio; Verdú- Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Fuzzy PGA filter technique performance on the mini-MIAS database of mammograms. International Journal of Image Mining (Online), Vol. 1, pp. 189 - 207. ISSN 2055-6047.
Querol-Vives, Andrea; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Simulation of a SBLOCA in a hot leg. Scaling considerations andapplication to a nuclear power plant. Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 283, pp. 81 - 99. 2015. ISSN 0029-5493.
Querol-Vives, Andrea; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Ródenas-Diago, José; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Using lattice tools and unfolding methods for hpge detector efficiency simulation with the Monte Carlo code MCNP5. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 116, pp. 219 - 225. 2015. ISSN 0969-806X.
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; González-Pintor, Sebastián; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Matín, Gumersindo Jesús; Asadzadeh, M.; Demazière, Christophe. Use of discontinuity factors in high-order finite element methods. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 87, pp.728 - 738. 2015. ISSN 0306-4549.
Articles published during 2014
Adamyan, Vadym; Iserte, José Luis; Tkachenko, Igor M.; Verdu-Martín, Gumsersindo Jesús. NORMS of positive definite toeplitz matrices and detection of almost periodic components in random signals. Operators and Matrices. Vol. 8 (3), pp. 861 - 875. 2014.
Bernal-García, Álvaro.; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Resolution of the generalized eigenvalue problem in the neutron diffusion equation discretized by the Finite Volume Method. Abstract and Applied Analysis. Nº. 913043, pp. 1 - 15. 2014.
Bernal-García, Álvaro; Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa; Miró-Herrero, Rafael. Methodology to resolve the transport equation with the discrete ordinates code TORT into the IPEN/MB-01 reactor. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Vol. 91 (1), pp. 113 - 123. 2014.
Flores, Liubov A.; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio; Mayo-Nogueira, Patricia; Ródenas-Escribá, Francisco de Asís; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Parallel CT image reconstruction based on GPUs. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 95, pp. 247 - 250. 2014.
Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Querol-Vives, Andrea; Pozuelo-Navarro, Fausto; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Ródenas-Diago, José. Application of the Monte Carlo codes PENELOPE and MCNP5 to unfold X-ray spectra in the diagnostic energy range. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 95, pp. 166 - 169. 2014.
Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Juste-Vidal, Belén; Querol-Vives, Andrea; Pozuelo-Navarro, Fausto; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Ródenas-Diago, José; Campayo-Esteban, Juan Manuel; Díez-Domingo, Sergio. Determination of the primary X-ray spectrum using a PMMA wedge, a flat panel and the Monte Carlo method. Journal Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology. Vol. 4, pp. 445 - 448. 2014.
González-Pintor, Sebastián; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdu-Martín, Gumersindo. Preconditioning the solution of the time- dependent neutron diffusion equation by recycling Krylov subspaces. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Vol. 91, pp. 42 - 52. 2014.
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Jambrina, Ana; Campayo, Juan Manuel; Díez, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo. A new methodology to determinate Linac photon spectra using the EPID signal. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 95, pp. 412 - 416. 2014.
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Morera-Cano, Daniel; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Campayo-Esteban, Juan Manuel; Díez-Domingo, Sergio. Experimental validation of a MCNP-based model to predict portal dose images from MLC beams. Journal Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology. Vol. 4, pp. 432 - 436. 2014.
Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Ana-Ibáñez, Pablo; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Martínez-Murillo Méndez, Juan Carlos; Pereira, Claubia; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Implementation of the control rod movement option by means of control variables in RELAP5/PARCS v2.7 coupled code (NUREG/IA-0402). United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2014.
Ródenas-Diago, José; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Weirich, F; Hansen, W. Application of dosimetry measurements to analyze the neutron activation of a stainless steel sample in a training nuclear reactor. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 104, pp. 368 - 371. 2014.
Sánchez, María Guadalupe; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicent; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Mayo-Nogueira, Patricia; Ródenas-Escribá, Francisco de Asís. Dose reduction using non lineal diffusion and smoothing filters in computed radiography. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 95, pp. 305 - 308. 2014.
Soler-Martínez, Amparo; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Concejal-Bermejo, Alberto; Melara, José; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Improvements in the decay heat model in the thermalhydraulic code TRAC-BF1. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Vol. 91, pp. 327 - 335. 2014.
Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián. Modal decomposition method for BWR stability analysis using Alpha-modes. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 67, pp. 31 - 40. 2014.
Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. et al. Sister chromatid exchange, (SCE), High-Frequency Cells (HFCs) and SCE distribution patterns in peripheral blood lymphocytes of Spanish adult smokers compared to non-smokers. Food and Chemical Toxicology. Vol. 66, pp. 107 - 112. 2014.
Verdú-Martín,Gumersindo Jesús et al. Scientific workshop "Advanced stability analysis for nuclear reactors" (Workshop in fall 2012 in Dresden, Germany). Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 67, pp. 1 - 3. 2014.
Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Trends in arsenic levels in PM10 and PM2.5 aerosol fractions in an industrialized area. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Vol. 21, pp. 695 - 703. 2014.
Vidal-Ferràndiz, Antoni; Fayez, Ragab; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Solution of the Lambda modes problem of a nuclear power reactor using an h–p finite element method. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 72, pp. 338 - 349. 2014.
Articles published during 2013
Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio et al. A power consumption monitoring, displaying and evaluation system for home devices. WAVES. Vol. 5, pp. 5 - 13. 2013.
González-Pintor, Sebastián; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Modified Block Newton method for the lambda modes problem. Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 259, pp. 230 - 239. 2013.
González-Pintor, Sebastián; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús . Using proper generalized decomposition to compute the dominant mode of a nuclear reactor. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. Vol. 57, pp. 1807 - 1815. 2013.
Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Ródenas-Escribá, Francisco De Asís; Mayo-Nogueira, Patricia. CT image reconstruction based on GPUs. Procedia Computer Science. 18, pp. 1412 - 1420. 2013.
Articles published during 2012
Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Peach Bottom instability analysis with a RELAP5/PARCSv2.7 detailed thermal-hydraulic-neutronic model. Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 249, pp. 24 - 34. 2012.
Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. PWR Core Analysis with COBRA-TF/PARCSv2.7 Coupled Codes. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Vol. 106, pp. 965 - 968. 2012.
Ánchel-Añó, Francisco Constantino; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Juanas, J.; Macián-Juan, Rafael. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in the neutronic parameters generation for BWR and PWR coupled thermal-hydraulic-neutronic simulations. Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 246, pp. 98 - 106. 2012.
Capilla-Roma, María Teresa; Talavera-Usano, César Félix; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Application of a nodal collocation approximation for the multidimensional P-L equations to the 3D Takeda benchmark problems. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 40, pp. 1 - 13. 2012.
Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Abella-Aranda, Vicente; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Querol-Vives, Andrea. Assessment of TRACE 5.0 Against ROSA Test 3-1, Cold Leg SBLOCA. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2012. ISSN NUREG/IA-0413.
Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Abella-Aranda, Vicente; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Querol-Vives, Andrea. Assessment of TRACE 5.0 Against ROSA Test 3-2, High Power Natural Circulation.U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2012. ISSN NUREG/IA-0412.
Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Ródenas-Diago, José. Reconstruction of the X-ray tube spectrum from a scattering measurement. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 70, pp. 1238 - 1242. 2012.
González-Pintor, Sebastián; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Preconditioning multiple right sides for the time dependent neutron diffusion equation. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Vol. 106, pp. 405 - 409. 2012.
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the effect of the mean energy and FWHM of the initial electron fluence on the Bremsstrahlung photon spectra of linear accelerators. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 70 (7), pp. 1267 - 1271. 2012.
Martínez-Lianes, Mónica; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Chiva-Vicent, Sergio. Assessment of a Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) model for the IPR-R1 TRIGA Research Reactor. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Vol. 106, pp. 1006 - 1009. 2012.
Martínez-Lianes, Mónica; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Chiva-Vicent, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Turbulence modelling of a thermal stratification CFD model. International Journal of Complex Systems in Science. Vol. 2, pp. 1 - 6. 2012.
Mesado-Melià, Carles; Soler-Martínez, María Desamparados; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; García-Díaz, Juan Carlos; Macián, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Uncertainty and sensitivity of neutron kinetic parameters in the dynamic response of a PWR rod ejection accident coupled simulation. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. Open Access. Art. 625878. pp. 1 - 10. 2012.
Querol-Vives, Andrea; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Intermediate BLOCA Scenarios. Sensitivity Analysis with TRACE5. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Vol. 106, pp. 1049 - 1052. 2012.
Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús et al. Assessment in vitro of cytogenetic and genotoxic effects of propolis on human lymphocytes. Food and Chemical Toxicology. Vol. 50, pp. 216 - 221. 2012.
Articles published during 2011
Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Instability analysis in Peach Bottom NPP using a whole core thermalhydraulic-neutronic model with RELAP5/PARCS v2.7. Journal Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology. Vol. 2, pp. 130 - 138. 2011.
Abella-Aranda, Vicente; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. MCNP5 electron and photon monte carlo calculations coupled with radiation treatment planning system PLUNC. Nuclear Technology. Vol. 175, pp. 53 - 57. 2011.
Abella-Aranda, Vicente; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Comparison of MCNP5 dose calculations inside the Rando® Phantom irradiated with a MLC Linac photon beam against treatment planning system PLUNC. Journal Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology. Vol. 2, pp. 232 - 236. 2011.
Abella-Aranda, Vicente; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Implementation of multileaf collimator in a linac MCNP5 simulation coupled with the radiation treatment planing system plunc. Journal Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology. Vol. 2, pp. 172 - 175. 2011.
Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Garcia-Fenoll, Marina; Ánchel-Añó, Francisco Constantino; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Pereira, Claubia; Da Silva, C.; Ortego, Alberto; Martínez-Murillo, Juan Carlos. REA 3D-dynamic analysis in almaraz NPP with RELAP5/PARCS V2.7 and SIMTAB cross-sections tables. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 53, pp. 1167 - 1180. 2011.
Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Ródenas-Diago, José; Querol-Vives, Andrea; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Application of the MTSVD unfolding method for reconstruction of primary X-ray spectra using semiconductor detectors. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 53, pp. 1136 - 1139. 2011.
Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María. Modal processing of the Local Power Range Monitors signals in BWR NPP. Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 38, pp. 2441 - 2455. 2011.
González-Pintor, Sebastián; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Updating the Lambda modes of a nuclear power reactor. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. Vol. 54, pp. 1796 - 1801. 2011.
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Díez-Domingo, Sergio; Campayo-Esteban, Juan Manuel. Bremsstrahlung spectrum reconstruction from gradient depth dose curves obtained in a water phantom. Nuclear Technology. Vol. 175, pp. 175 - 181. 2011.
Martínez-Murillo Méndez, Juan Carlos; Novo-Sanjurjo, Manuel; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Teresa Barrachina-Celda, María; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Coupled RELAP/PARCS full plant model- Assessment of a cooling transient in Trillo nuclear power plant (NUREG/IA-0255). U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2011.
Mayo-Nogueira, Patricia; Ródenas-Escribá, Francisco De Asís; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Quality assurance applied to digital radiographic equipment by developed software for phantom images. Nuclear Technology. Vol. 175, pp. 48 - 52. 2011.
Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Pereira, Claubia; Matínez-Murillo Méndez, Juan Carlos. Implementation of control rod movement and boron injection options by using control variables in RELAP5/PARCS v2.7 coupled code. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 53, pp. 1084 - 1090. 2011.
Querol-Vives, Andrea; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Ródenas-Diago, José; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Application of the MTSVD and Tikhonov unfolding methods for reconstruction of primary X-ray spectra of mammography equipments with silicon detector. Nuclear Technology. Vol. 175, pp. 63 - 72. 2011.
Querol-Vives, Andrea; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Ródenas Diago; Gumersindo Jesús Verdú Martín. Application of the Tikhonov unfolding method for reconstruction of primary X-ray spectra from X-ray equipments. Journal Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology. Vol. 2, pp. 219 - 225. 2011.
Querol-Vives, Andrea; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Ródenas-Diago, José; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Parametric study of the X-ray primary spectra obtained with the MTSVD unfolding method. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 69, pp. 1112 - 1117. 2011.
Ródenas-Diago, José; Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio. Analysis of dose rates received around the storage pool for irradiated control rods in a BWR nuclear power plant. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 69, pp. 1104 - 1107. 2011.
Ródenas-Diago, José; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio. Uncertainty analysis in MCNP5 calculations for brachytherapy treatment. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 69, pp. 1108 - 1111. 2011.
Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús et al. Concentration-dependent protection by ethanol extract of propolis against 947; ray-induced chromosome damage in human blood lymphocytes. Evidence-based. Complementary and Alternative Medicine. pp. 1 - 7. 2011.
Articles published during 2010
Abella-Aranda, Vicente; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Juste-Vidal, Belén; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Monte Carlo model of the female RANDO phantom irradiation with an Elekta Precise linear accelerator. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators SP. Vol. 619, pp. 230 - 233. 2010.
Abella-Aranda, Vicente; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Juste-Vidal, Belén; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. 3D dose distribution calculation in a voxelized human phantom by means of Monte Carlo method. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 68, pp. 709 - 713. 2010.
Barrachina-Celda, Teresa María; Miró-Herrero, Rafael. Uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis of coupled thermalhydraulic-neutronic nuclear power plant simulations: Influence of uncertainty in neutronic data. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciencies. Vol. 2, pp. 7599 - 7600. 2010.
Gerardy, Isabelle; Ródenas-Diago, José; van Dycke, Michel; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Ceccolini, Elisa. Dosimetric characterization of a brachytherapy applicator using MCNP5 modelisation and in-phantom measurements. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 68, pp. 735 - 737. 2010.
González-Pintor, Sebastián; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Time integration of the neutron diffusion equation on hexagonal geometries. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. Vol. 52, pp. 1203 - 1210. 2010.
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Campayo-Esteban, Juan Manuel; Díez-Domingo, Sergio; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Comparison of experimental 3D dose curves in a heterogeneous phantom with results obtained by MCNP5 simulation and those extracted from a commercial treatment planning system. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 68, pp. 913 - 917. 2010.
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Díez-Domingo, Sergio; Campayo-Esteban, Juan Manuel; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Monte Carlo simulation of the iView GT portal imager dosimetry. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 68, pp. 922 - 925. 2010.
Juste-Vidal, Belén Jeanne; Miró-Herrero, Rafael; Campayo-Esteban, Juan Manuel; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Radiotherapy treatment planning based on Monte Carlo techniques. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators SP. Vol. 619, pp. 252 - 257. 2010.
Mayo-Nogueira, Patricia; Ródenas-Escribá, Francisco De Asís; Campayo-Esteban, Juan Manuel; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Quality assurance applied to mammographic equipments using phantoms and software for its evaluation. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators SP. Vol. 619, pp. 372 - 374. 2010.
Navarro-Esbri, Joaquin; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Belman, José Manuel; Milian-Sánchez, Víctor; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Application of a lumped model for predicting energy performance of a variable-speed vapour compression system. Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 30, pp. 286 - 294. 2010.
Ramos-Pascual, Miguel; Montoro-Pastor, Alegría; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Radiation effects analysis in a group of interventional radiologists using biological and physical dosimetry methods. European Journal of Radiology. Vol. 75, pp. 259 - 264. 2010.
Ródenas-Diago, José; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Abarca-Giménez, Agustín. Analysis of the dose rate produced by control rods discharged from a BWR into the irradiated fuel pool. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 68, pp. 909 - 912. 2010.
Ródenas-Diago, José; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio; Abarca-Giménez, Agustín. Estimation of the activity generated by neutron activation in control rods of a BWR. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 68, pp. 905 - 908. 2010.
Ródenas-Diago, José; Abarca-Giménez, Agustín; Gallardo-Bermell, Sergio. Validation of the Monte Carlo model developed to assess the activity generated in control rods of a BWR. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A - Accelerators SP. Vol. 619, pp. 258 - 261. 2010.
Tortosa, R.; Villaescuas, J.I.; Ramos-Pascual, Miguel; Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús. Analysis of the benefit/risk ratio obtained in the valencian breast early detection program during 2007 and 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 6136, pp. 622 - 627. 2010.
Verdú-Martín, Gumersindo Jesús; Ginestar-Peiro, Damián; Román-Moltó, José Enrique; Vidal-Gimeno, Vicente Emilio. 3D Alpha Modes of a Nuclear Power Reactor. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. Vol. 47, pp. 501 - 514. 2010.
Articles published during 2009
Capilla, M.T.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G. Applications of the multidimensional PL equations to complex fuel assembly problems. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 30 (4), pp. 1624-1634, 2009.
González, S.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G. Continuous pseudospectral methods for the neutron diffusion equation in 1D geometries. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 50(5), pp. 783-793, 2009.
González, S.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G. High order finite element method for the lambda modes problem on hexagonal geometry. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 36, pp. 1450-1462, 2009.
Juste, B.; Miró, R.; Campayo, J.M.; Verdú, G. Linear accelerator photon spectra reconstruction using a mixed experimental Monte Carlo method. Nuclear Technology, 168 (3), pp. 637-642, 2009.
Juste, B.; Verdú, G. Algorithm to simulate increased noise in computed radiography. Nuclear Technology, 168 (1), pp. 249-252, 2009.
Mayo, P.; Ródenas, F.; Campayo, J.M.; Verdú, G. Phantom development for constancy and acceptance test for digital radiographic equipment. Nuclear Technology, 168(1), pp. 235-237, 2009.
Mayo, P.; Ródenas, F.; Campayo, J.M.; Verdú, G. Image quality assessment of digital dental radiography systems with specifically developed phantom and software. Nuclear Technology, 168 (1), pp. 238-242, 2009.
Ródenas, J. Analysis of mechanical strength in ceramic pellets of nuclear fuel. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 164 (5), pp. 313-318, 2009.
Ródenas, J.; Gallardo, S. MCNP modelling of vaginal and uterine applicators used in intracavitary brachytherapy and comparison with radiochromic film measurements. Radiation Effects and Defects In Solids, 164(5), pp. 319-324, 2009.
Articles published during 2008
Capilla, M.T.; Talavera, C.F.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G. A nodal collocation approximation for the multidimensional PL equations. 2D applications. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 10 (35), pp. 1820-1830, 2008.
González, S.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G. Collocation methods for the neutron diffusion equation based on a continuous basis of polynomials. Modelling for Engineering and Medicine, cap. 9, pp. 69-75, 2008.
Juste, B.; Miró, R.; Verdú, G. Analysis of CR dose reduction in pediatric patients, based on computer-simulated noise addition. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 1 (1-8), pp. 2697-2700, 2008.
Juste, B.; Miró, R.; Verdú, G. Photon Spectra calculation for an Elekta linac beam using experimental scatter measurements and Monte Carlo techniques. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 1 (1-8), pp. 3289-3292, 2008.
Mayo, P.; Ródenas, F.; Verdú, G. Analysis of Digital Image Quality Indexes for CIRS SP01 and CDMAM 3.4 Mammographic Phantoms. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 1 (1-8), pp. 418-421, 2008.
Mayo, P.; Ródenas, F.; Verdú, G. Análisis de calidad de equipos radiográficos digitales mediante desarrollo de maniquíes específicos. Revista de la Sociedad Nuclear Española, 1 (10), pp. 111-118, 2008.
Mayo, P.; Ródenas, F.; Verdú, G. Estudio de equipos mamográficos digitales CR y DR mediante maniquí mamográfico CDMAM 3.4. Revista de la Sociedad Nuclear Española, 1 (10), pp. 119-130, 2008.
Montoro, A.; Ramos, M.; Verdú, G. Radiation effects in interventional radiology using biological and physical dosimetry methods: a case-control study. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 1 (1-8), pp. 2809-2812, 2008.
Ródenas, J.; Gallardo, S. Application of the MCNP5 code to the modelization of vaginal and intra-uterine applicators used in intracavitary brachytherapy: a first approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1 (102), pp. 201-206, 2008.
Verdú, G. Study of the availability of digital mammography for women in the Valencian Breast Cancer Early Detection. Breast Cancer Research, 3 (10), pp. 66-67, 2008.
Vidal, V.E.; Verdú, G. Estudio comparativo de la aplicación de precondicionadores paralelos para resolver la ecuación de difusión neutrónica multigrupo 3D. Caso de estudio: PETSc e Hypre. Revista de la Sociedad Nuclear Española, 1 (10), pp. 45-52, 2008.
Articles published during 2007
Flores, O.; Vidal, V.E.; Verdú, G. Métodos iterativos de segundo grado preconicionados para resolver la ecuación de difusión neutrónica multigrupo 3D. Revista de la Sociedad Nuclear Española, 33, pp. 302-317, 2007.
Mayo, P.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G. Assesment of the negentropy based stopping time criterion in the diffusive restoration of digital images. Computing Letters (CoLe), 1 (3), pp. 13-21, 2007.
Mayo, P.; Ródenas, F.; Verdú, G. Desarrollo de maniquíes para el control de calidad de equipos radográficos digitales. Revista de la Sociedad Nuclear Española, 33, pp. 201-205, 2007.
Mayo, P.; Verdú, G.; Ródenas, F. Desarrollo de un prototipo de maniquí dental para el análisis de imagen obtenida en equipos de radiología dental. Revista de Física Médica, 16, pp. 15-18, 2007.
Mayo, P.; Verdú, G.; Ródenas, F. Desarrollo de algoritmos de evaluación automática de imágenes de un fantoma dental para equipos de radiología. Radioprotección, 12, pp. 101-105, 2007.
Montoro, A.; Verdú, G. Estudio in ivitro del efecto radioprotector del propolis mediante técnicas citogenéticas. Revista de Física Médica, 14, pp. 230-231, 2007.
Montoro, A.; Verdú, G. Análisis del efecto radioprotector del propóleos en cultivos de linfocitos mediante técnicas citogenéticas. Radioprotección, 14, pp. 133-135, 2007.
Navarro, J.; Berbegall, V.; Verdú, G. A low data requirement model of a variable-speed vapour compression refrigeration system based on neural networks. International Journal of Refrigeration-Revue Internationale du Froid, 30, pp. 1452-1459, 2007.
Ródenas, J.; Gallardo, S. Application of the Monte Carlo method to develop a model to estimate the internal contamination of pipes in a nuclear reactor. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators SP, 580 (1), pp. 134-136, 2007.
Ródenas, J.; Gallardo, S.; Ortiz, J. Application of the Monte Carlo method to the analysis of measurement geometries for the calibration of a HP Ge detector in an environmental radioactivity laboratory. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators SP, 580 (1), pp. 144-148, 2007.
Ródenas, J.; Gallardo, S.; Ortiz, J. Comparison of a laboratory spectrum of Eu-152 with results of simulation using the MCNP code. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators SP, 580 (1), pp. 303-305, 2007.
Articles published during 2006
Berbegall, V.; Drummond, L.A.; Verdú, G.; Vidal, V. A purely distributed approach for coupling scientific and engineering applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3984, pp. 192-201, 2006.
Cuervo, D.; Avramova, M.; Ivanov, K.; Miró, R. Evaluation and enhancement of COBRA-TF efficiency for LWR calculations. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 33, pp. 837-847, 2006.
Gallardo, S.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G.; Ródenas, J.; Puchades, V.; Villaescusa, J.I. X-ray spectrum unfolding using a regularized truncated SVD method. X-ray Spectrometry, 35(1), pp. 63-70, 2006.
Garcia i Llorens, V.; Verdú, G.; Hennig, D. Analysis of a BWR stability behavior using generalized discrete shannon functions. Application to Ringhals and Forsmark benchmarks data. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 43 (10), pp. 1-13, 2006.
Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G.; Miró, R. Singular System Analysis of the LPRMs readings of a BWR in an unstable event. International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (IJNEST), 2 (3), pp. 253-265, 2006.
Ivorra, S.; Palomo, M.J.; Verdú, G.; Zasso, A. Dynamic forces produced by swinging bells. Meccanica, 41(1), pp. 47-62, 2006.
Miró, R.; Juste, B.; Gallardo, S.; Santos, A.; Verdú, G. Cobalt therapy dosimetric calculations over a voxelized heterogeneous phantom. Validation of different Monte Carlo models and methodologies against experimental data. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 53 (6), pp. 10, 2006.
Articles published during 2005
Burgos , M.C.; Gallardo, S.; Puchades, V.; Verdú, G.; Ródenas, J.; Villaescusa, J.I. Assessment of mammography spectra using compton spectrometry techniques. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 116, pp. 627-630, 2005.
Capilla, M.; Talavera, C.F.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G. A nodal collocation method for the calculation of the lambda modes of the P_L equations. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 32, pp. 1825-1853, 2005.
Gallardo, S.; Ródenas, J.; Verdú, G.; Villaescusa, J.I. Analysis of shielding materials in a Compton spectrometer applied to X-Ray tube quality control using Monte Carlo simulation. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 115, pp. 375-379, 2005.
García, V.M.; Vidal, V.; Verdú, G.; Garayoa, J.; Miró, R. Parallel resolution of the two-group time dependent neutron diffusion equation with public domain ODE codes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3402, pp. 368-381 (14), 2005.
Ferrer, S.; Ramos, M.; Villaescusa, J.I.; Verdú, G.; Salas, M.D; Cuevas, M.D. Modelling of the mammographic exposure conditions for radiological detriment study in the Valencian Breast Cancer Screening Programme. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 116, pp. 396-400, 2005.
Ferrer, S.; Ramos, R.; Vizcaíno, I.; Verdú, G.; Villaescusa, J.I.; Salas, M.D. Comparación dosimétrica en mamografía analógica y digital. Radioprotección XII, nº 45, pp 149-152, 2005.
Ferrer, S.; Ramos, R.; Vizcaíno, I.; Verdú, G.; Villaescusa, J.I.; Salas, M.D. Aplicación del software SCREENRISK para el cálculo de detrimento radiológico en unidades de mamografía digital. Radioprotección XII, nº 45, pp 159-162, 2005.
Ivorra, S.; Palomo, M.J.; Verdú, G. Dynamic behaviour of a belfry caused by the swinging bell. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42 (5-6), pp. 1669-1680, 2005.
Juste, B.; Miró, R.; Gallardo, S.; Santos, A.; Verdú, G. Sistema de planificación en radioterapia basado en el método de Monte Carlo. Radioprotección XII, nº 45, pp 305-308 (4), 2005.
Mayo, P.; Ródenas, F.; Verdú, G.; Villaescusa, J.I.; Campayo, J.M. A comparative study of computer assisted assessment of image quality index for mammographic phantom images. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 116, pp. 620-623, 2005.
Miró, R.; Soler, J.; Gallardo, S.; Campayo, J.M.; Díez, S.; Verdú, G. MCNP simulation of a Theratron 780 radiotherapy unit. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 116, pp. 65-68, 2005.
Montoro, A.; Rodríguez, P.; Almonacid, M.; Villaescusa, J.I.; Verdú, G.; Caballín, M.R.; Barrios, L.; Barquinero, J.F. Biological dosimetry in a group of radiologists by the analysis of dicentrics and translocations. Radiation Research, 164, pp. 612-617, 2005.
Montoro, A.; Almonacid, M.; Serrano, J.; Saiz, M.; Barquinero, J.F.; Barrios, L.; Verdú, G.; Perez, J.; Villaescusa, J.I. Assessment by cytogenetic analysis of the radioprotection properties of propolis extract. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 115 (1-4), pp. 461-464, 2005.
Nagore, E.; Montoro, A.; Oltra, S.; Ledesma, E.; Botella-Estrada, R.; Millan, J.M.; Oliver, V.; Fortea, J.M.; Guillen, C. Age does not appear to be a major indicator of CDKN2A or CDK4 mutations in melanoma patients in Spain. Melanoma Research,15(6), pp. 555-5588, 2005.
Ramos, M.; Ferrer, S.; Villaescusa, J.I.; Verdú, G.; Salas, M.D; Cuevas, M.D. Use of risk projection models to estimate mortality and incidence from radiation-induced breast cancer in screening programs. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 50, pp. 505-520, 2005.
Ramos, M.; Ferrer, S.; Villaescusa, J.I.; Verdú, G.; Salas, M.D; Cuevas, M.D. Application of the UNSCEAR 2000 Report in the Valencian Breast Cancer Screening Programme (VBCSP). Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Applied Physics, 2005.
Ramos, M.; Ferrer, S.; Villaescusa, J.I.; Verdú, G.; Salas, M.D; Cuevas, M.D. Evaluación del detrimento radiológico en el programa de prevención del cáncer de mama de la Comunidad Valenciana. Física Médica, 6(1), pp. 5-13, 2005.
Rodenas, F.; Mayo, P.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G. Differential entropy approximations and diffusive restoration of digital images. Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, 2005.
Ródenas, J.; Burgos , M.C.; Zarza, I.; Gallardo, S. Simulation of germanium detector calibration using the Monte Carlo method: comparison between point and surface source models. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 116, pp. 55-58, 2005.
Sancho, M.; Arnal, J.M.; Villaescusa, J.I.; Campayo, J.M.; Verdú, G. Declassification of radioactive liquid wastes generated in radio immune adday (RIA) laboratories. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 116, pp. 518-520, 2005.
Verdú, G.; Ginestar, D.; Miró, R.; Vidal, V. Using the Jacobi-Davidson method to obtain the dominant lambda modes of a nuclear power reactor. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 32, pp. 1274-1296 (23), 2005.
Articles published during 2004
Arnaldos, A.; Palomo, M.J.; Verdú, G.; Sanchis, R. Aplicación del Análisis de la Señal al Mantenimiento Preventivos y Predictivo de Instrumentación de Centrales Nucleares. Nuclear España. Revista de la sociedad Nuclear Española , 244(1), pp. 76-77, 2004.
Gallardo, S.; Rodenas, J.; Verdú, G. Monte Carlo simulation of the Compton scattering technique applied to characterize diagnostic x-ray spectra. Medical Physics, 31(7), pp. 2082-2090, 2004.
Mayo, P.; Ródenas, F.; Verdú, G.; Villaescusa, J.I.; Campayo, J.M. Automatic evaluation of the image quality of a mammographic phantom. Computer Methods and Programs In Biomedicine, 73(2), pp. 115-128, 2004.
Mayo, P.; Ródenas, F.; Verdú, G. Denoising Mammographic Images Using ICA. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3195, pp. 1064-1071, 2004.
Miro, R.; Sánchez, A.M.; Roselló, O.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú;, G.; Gomez, A.; Mata, P. NPP SCRAM-61 Transient with Coupled Codes: TRAC/BF1-VALKIN and RETRAN-3D. American Nuclear Society, 90, 2004.
Miro, R.; Sánchez, A.M.; Roselló, O.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G.; Gomez, A.; Mata, P. Peach Bottom Transients Analysis with TRAC/BF1-VALKIN. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 148(2), pp. 256-269, 2004.
Perez-Calatayud, J.; Granero, D.; Ballester, F.; Casal, E.; Crispin, V.; Puchades, V.; León, A.; Verdú, G. Monte Carlo evaluation of kerma in an HDR brachytherapy bunker. Physics In Medicine and Biology, 49(24), pp. 389-396, 2004.
Prohens, J.; Miró, R.; Rodríguez, A.; Chiva, S.; Verdú, G.; Nuez, F. Temperature, electrolyte leakage, ascorbic acid content and sunscald in two cultivars of pepino, Solanum muricatum. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 79(3), pp. 375-379, 2004.
Ródenas, J.; Zarza, I. Developing a Virtual Reality application for training Nuclear Power Plant operators: Setting up a database containing dose rates in the refuelling plant. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 111(2), pp. 173-180, 2004.
Verdú, G.; Miró, R.; Sánchez, A.M.; Roselló, O.; Ginestar, D. Peach bottom transients analysis with TRAC/BF1-VALKIN. Nuclear Science And Engineering, 148(2), pp. 256-269, 2004.
Verdú, G.; Palomo, M.J.; Arnaldos, A. Investigación en Análisis de la Señal en Instrumentación de Centrales Nucleares. Nuclear España. Revista de la sociedad Nuclear Española , 246, pp. 35-36, 2004.
Verdú, G.; León, A. Monte Carlo evaluation of kerma in an HDR brachytherapy bunker. Physics In Medicine and Biology, 49(15), pp. 2000-2010, 2004.
Articles published during 2003
Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G. 1D BWR Nuclear Power Reactor Model to Study Thermal-Hydraulic Oscillations. Journal of Computational Methods for Science and Engineering, 3(3), pp. 251-260, 2003.
Navarro, J.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G. Time dependence of linear stability parameters of a BWR. Progress In Nuclear Energy, 43(1-4), pp. 187-194, 2003.
Navarro, J.; Ginestar, D.; Verdú, G. BWR stability monitoring using adaptive methods. Annals Of Nuclear Energy, 30(7), pp. 755-773, 2003.
Palomo, M.J.; Sanchis, R.; Verdú, G.; Ginestar, D. Analysis of pressure signals using a singular system analysis (SSA) methodology. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 43(1-4), pp. 329-336, 2003.
Ródenas, J.; Zarza, I.; Serradell, V.; Ortiz, J.; Ballesteros, L. Analysis of the influence of Germanium dead layer on detector calibration simulation for environmenta radioactive samples using the Monte Carlo method. Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Sp, 496, pp. 390-399, 2003
Verdú, G.; Ginestar, D. An Adaptative Method Based on Dynamics Reconstruction. Application to BWR stability monitoring. Transactions of the American nuclear Society, 88, pp. 502-503, 2003.
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