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Articles published during 2023
Alvizuri-Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Villena-Martínez, Esteban Manuel; Lo-Iacono Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys; Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio; Lora-García, Jaime; D'Abzac, Paul. Mathematical and statistical evaluation of reverse osmosis in the removal of manganese as a way to achieve sustainable operating parameters. Membranes. Vol. 13, 2023. ISSN 2077-0375. DOI:10.3390/membranes13080724
Villena-Martínez, Esteban Manuel; Alvizuri-Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Lo Iacono Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys; Lora-García, Jaime; Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio; Sánchez-Barrero, Lorena; Leigue-Fernández, Alejandra; D'Abzac, Paul. Critical Analysis of stakeholders in the municipality of Tarija, Bolivia, in search of strategies for adequate water governance to implement reverse osmosis as an alternative for generating safe water for its inhabitants. Water. Vol. 15, 3164, pp. 1 - 23. 2023. ISSN 2073-4441. DOI:10.3390/w15173164
Articles published during 2022
Alvizuri-Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Ríos-Ruiz, Marco; Lora-García, Jaime; Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio; Lo Iacono Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys. Study and evaluation of surface water resources affected by ancient and illegal mining in the upper part of the Milluni Micro-Basin, Bolivia. Resources. Vol. 11, 36, pp. 1 - 16. 2022. ISSN 2079-9276. DOI:10.3390/resources11040036
Alvizuri-Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Villena-Martínez, Esteban Manuel; Avendaño-Acosta, Nithya; Lo Iacono Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys; Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio; Lora-García, Jaime. Contamination of water supply sources by heavy metals: the price of development in Bolivia, a Latin American reality. Water. Vol. 14, 3470, pp. 1 - 20. 2022. ISSN 2073-4441. DOI:10.3390/w14213470
Domínguez-Candela, Iván; Perez-Nakai, Aina; Torres-Roca, Elena; Lora-García, Jaime; Fombuena-Borrás, Vicent. Development of a novel epoxy resin based on epoxidized chia oil as matrix and maleinized chia oil as bio-renewable crosslinker. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Vol. 140, e53574, pp. 1 - 14. 2022. ISSN 0021-8995. DOI: 10.1002/app.53574
Domínguez-Candela, Iván; Zulkhairi, Iman; Pintre, Inmaculada; Kamalul Aripin, Nurul Fadhilah; Lora-García, Jaime; Fombuena-Borrás, Vicent; Ros, Blanca; Martínez-Felipe, Alfonso. Light-responsive bent-core liquid crystals as candidates for energy conversion and storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Vol. 10, pp. 18200 - 18212. 2022. ISSN 2050-7526. DOI:10.1039/D2TC04106E
Domínguez-Candela, Iván; Gómez-Caturla, Jaume; Cardona-Navarrete, Salvador Cayetano; Lora-García, Jaime; Fombuena-Borrás, Vicent. Novel compatibilizers and plasticizers developed from epoxidized and maleinized chia oil in composites based on PLA and chia seed flour. European Polymer Journal. Vol. 173, 111289, pp. 1 - 14. 2022. ISSN 0014-3057. DOI:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2022.111289
Domínguez-Candela, Iván; Lerma-Cantó, Alejandro; Cardona-Navarrete, Salvador Cayetano; Lora-García, Jaime; Fombuena-Borrás, Vicent. Physicochemical characterization of novel epoxidized vegetable oil from Chia Seed Oil. Materials. Vol. 15, 3250, pp. 1 - 19. 2022. ISSN 1996-1944. DOI:10.3390/ma15093250
Flores-Terreros, Ruth R.; Serna-Galvis, Efraím A.; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José; Torres-Palma, Ricardo A.; Nieto-Juárez, Jessica I. An alternative approach to the kinetic modeling of pharmaceuticals degradation in high saline water by electrogenerated active chlorine species. Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 315, 115119, pp. 1 - 11. 2022. ISSN 0301-4797. DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115119
López-Borrell, Alexis; López-Pérez, María Fernanda; Cardona-Navarrete, Salvador Cayetano; Lora-García, Jaime. Experimental study and mathematical modeling of a nanofiltration membrane system for the recovery of polyphenols from wine lees. Membranes. Vol. 12, 240, pp. 1 - 21. 2022. ISSN 2077-0375. DOI:10.3390/membranes12020240
Villena-Martínez, Esteban Manuel; Alvizuri-Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Lora-García, Jaime; Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio; Lo Iacono Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys. A comparative analysis of statistical models and mathematics in reverse osmosis evaluation processes as a search path to achieve better efficiency. Water. Vol. 14, 2485, pp. 1 - 19. 2022. ISSN 2073-4441. DOI:10.3390/w14162485
Villena-Martínez, Esteban Manuel; Alvizuri-Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Lora-García, Jaime; Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio; Lo Iacono Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys. Reverse Osmosis modeling study of lead and arsenic removal from drinking water in Tarija and La Paz, Bolivia. Processes. Vol. 10, 1889, pp. 1 - 21. 2022. ISSN 2227-9717. DOI:10.3390/pr10091889
Articles published during 2021
Alvizuri-Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Villena-Martínez, Esteban Manuel; Micó-Vicent, Bárbara; Lora-García, Jaime; Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio; Lo Iacono Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys. On the road to sustainable water supply: reducing public health risks and preserving surface water resources in the Milluni Micro-Basin, Bolivia. Environments. Vol. 9, pp. 1 - 16. 2021. ISSN 2076-3298.
Domínguez-Candela, Iván; García-García, Daniel; Pérez-Nakai, Aina; Lerma-Cantó, Alejandro; Lora-García, Jaime; Fombuena-Borrás, Vicent. Contribution to a circular economy model: from Lignocellulosic wastes from the extraction of vegetable oils to the development of a new composite. Polymers. Vol. 13, pp. 1 - 26. 2021. ISSN 2073-4360.
Domínguez-Candela, Iván; Ferri-Azor, José Miguel; Cardona-Navarrete, Salvador Cayetano; Lora-García, Jaime; Fombuena-Borrás, Vicent. Dual plasticizer/thermal stabilizer effect of epoxidized Chia Seed Oil (Salvia hispanica L.) to improve ductility and thermal properties of Poly (Lactic Acid). Polymers. Vol. 13, pp. 1 - 16. 2021. ISSN 2073-4360.
Falcó, Irene; Randazzo, Walter; Sánchez, Gloria; Vilarroig, José; Climent, Javier; Chiva-Vicent, Sergio; Chica-Lara, Antonio; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José. Experimental and CFD evaluation of ozone efficacy against coronavirus and enteric virus contamination on public transport surfaces. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Vol. 9, pp. 106217. 2021. ISSN 2213-3437.
García-Negueroles, Paula; García-Ballesteros, Sara; Santos-Juanes Jordá, Lucas; Sabater-Marco, Consuelo; Castillo-López, Mª Ángeles; López-Pérez, María Fernanda; Vicente-Candela, Rafael; Amat-Payá, Ana María; Arqués-Sanz, Antonio. Humic like substances extracted from oil mill wastes in photo-Fenton processes: Characterization, performance and toxicity assesment. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Vol. 9, pp. 106862 - 106862. 2021. ISSN 2213-3437.
Park, Seong-Hyeon; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José; Leyland, Pénélope; Mischler, Stefano. Re-entry survival analysis and ground risk assessment of space debris considering by-products generation. Acta Astronautica. Vol. 179, pp. 604 - 618. 2021. ISSN 0094-5765.
Articles published during 2020
Santos-Sousa, Mayko Rannany; Lora-García, Jaime; López-Pérez, María Fernanda; Santafé-Moros, María Asunción; Gozálvez-Zafrilla, José Marcial. Operating conditions optimization via the taguchi method to remove colloidal substances from recycled paper and cardboard production wastewater. Membranes. Vol. 10, pp. 1 - 22. 2020. ISSN 2077-0375.
Santos-Sousa, Mayko Rannany; Lora-García, Jaime; López-Pérez, María Fernanda; Heran, Marc. Identification of foulants on polyethersulfone membranes used to remove colloids and dissolved matter from paper mill treated effluent. Water. Vol. 12, pp. 1 - 27. 2020. ISSN 2073-4441.
Zambrano-Carrullo, Jenny Cecilia; Dalmau-Borrás, Alba; Amigó-Borrás, Vicente; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José; Pereira-Falcon, Juan Carlos. Electrochemical corrosion behavior and mechanical properties of Ti-Ag biomedical alloys obtained by two powder metallurgy processing routes. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. Vol. 112, pp. 1 - 10. 2020. ISSN 1751-6161.
Articles published during 2019
Dalmau-Borrás, Alba; Roda-Buch, Alejandro; Rovira-Cardete, Andrés; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José; Igual-Muñoz, Anna Neus. Chemo-mechanical effects on the tribocorrosion behavior of titanium/ ceramic dental implant pairs in artificial saliva. Wear. 426-427, pp. 162 - 170. 2019. ISSN 0043-1648.
Articles published during 2018
Dalmau-Borrás, Alba; Roda-Buch, Alejandro; Rovira-Cardete, Andrés; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José; Igual-Muñoz, Anna Neus. Wear model for describing the time dependence of the material degradation mechanisms of the AISI 316L in a NaCl solution. Wear. Vol. 394-395, pp. 166 - 175. 2018. ISSN 0043-1648.
García-Ballesteros, Sara; Grimalt, Jaume; Berto, Silvia; Minella, Marco; Laurenti, Enzo; Vicente-Candela, Rafael; López-Pérez, María Fernanda; Amat-Payá, Ana María; Bianco-Prevot, Alessandra; Arqués-Sanz, Antonio. New route for valorization of oil mill wastes: isolation of humic-like substances to be employed in solar-driven processes for pollutants removal. ACS Omega. Vol. 3, pp. 13073 - 13080. 2018. ISSN 2470-1343.
Lo Iacono-Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys; Capuz-Rizo, Salvador Fernando; Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio. Key performance indicators to optimize the environmental performance of Higher Education Institutions with environmental management system - A case study of Universitat Politècnica de València. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 178, pp. 846 - 865. 2018. ISSN 0959-6526.
Santos-Sousa, Mayko Rannany; Lora-García, Jaime; López-Pérez, María Fernanda. Experimental study and modeling of forward osmosis process for activated sludge concentration by using residual brine from a stuffed olive factory as draw solution. Journal of Water Process Engineering. Vol. 21, pp. 143 - 153. 2018. ISSN 2214-7144.
Santos-Sousa, Mayko Rannany; Lora-García, Jaime; López-Pérez, María Fernanda. Modelling approach to an ultrafiltration process for the removal of dissolved and colloidal substances from treated wastewater for reuse in recycled paper manufacturing. Journal of Water Process Engineering. Vol. 21, pp. 96 - 106. 2018. ISSN 2214-7144.
Articles published during 2017
Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José; Amigó-Mata, Angèlica; Amigó-Borrás, Vicente; Igual-Muñoz, Anna Neus. Electrochemical characterization and passivation behaviour of new beta-titanium alloys (Ti35Nb10Ta-xFe). Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 227, pp. 410 - 418. 2017. ISSN 0013-4686.
Articles published during 2016
Ferre-Aracil, Jesús; Valcárcel, Yolanda; Negreira, Noelia; López de Alda, Miren; Barceló, Damiá; Cardona-Navarrete, Salvador Cayetano; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José . Ozonation of hospital raw wastewaters for cytostatic compounds removal. Kinetic modelling and economic assessment of the process. The Science of The Total Environment. Vol. 556, pp. 70 - 79. 2016. ISSN 0048-9697.
Articles published during 2015
Amat-Payá, Ana María; Arqués-Sanz, Antonio; López-Pérez, Maria Fernanda; Palacios-Guillem, Santiago. Effect of methylisothiazolinone on biological treatments: influence on the efficiency of SBRs and bioindicative studies. Environmental Engineering Science. Vol. 6 (32), pp. 1 - 7. 2015. ISSN 1092-8758.
Dolçà, Celia; Ferrándiz-García, Marcela; Capablanca-Fránces, Lucía.; López-Pérez, Maria Fernanda; Garcia-Sanoguera, David. Microencapsulation of Rosemary Essential Oil by Co-Extrusion/Gelling using Alginate as a wall material. Journal of Encapsulation and Absorption Sciences (Online). Vol. 5, pp. 121 - 130. 2015. ISSN 2161-4873.
Ferre-Aracil, Jesús; Cardona, S. C.; Navarro-Laboulais, J. Kinetic study of ozone decay in homogeneous Phosphate-buffered medium. Ozone-Science & Engineering. Vol. 37, pp. 330 - 342. ISSN 0191-9512.
Ferre-Aracil, Jesús; Cardona, S. C.; Navarro-Laboulais, J. Determination and validation of Henry's Constant for ozone in Phosphate buffers using different analytical methodologies. Ozone-Science & Engineering. Vol. 37, pp. 106 - 118. 2015. ISSN 0191-9512.
Ferre-Aracil, Jesús; Cardona, S. C.; Navarro-Laboulais, J. Ozonation kinetics of Acid Red 27 Azo Dye: a novel methodology based on artificial neural networks for the determination of dynamic kinetic constants in bubble column reactors. Chemical Engineering Communications. Vol. 202, pp. 279 - 293. 2015. ISSN 0098-6445.
Flores-Payán, V.; Navarro-Laboulais, J.; Herrera-López, E.J.; López-López A. Parametric sensitivity analysis and ozone mass transfer modeling in a gas–liquid reactor for advanced water treatment. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Vol. 21, pp. 1270 - 1276. 2015. ISSN 1226-086X.
Articles published during 2014
Cantó-Colomina, Begoña; Coll-Aliaga, Peregrina Del Carmen; Sánchez-Juan, Elena; Cardona-Navarrete, Salvador Cayetano; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José. On identifiability for chemical systems from measurable variables. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. Vol. 52, pp. 1023 - 1035. 2014.
Vallejo, Ramiro; Murillo, Mario; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José; León, Elizabeth; López, Alberto. Assessment of the kinetics of oxidation of some steroids and pharmaceutical compounds in water using ozone. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Vol. 2, pp. 316 - 323. 2014.
Articles published during 2013
Ferre-Aracil, Jesús; Cardona-Navarrete, Salvador Cayetano; López-Pérez, Maria Fernanda; Abad-Sempere, Antonio; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José. Unstationary film model for the determination of absolute gas-liquid kinetic rate constants: ozonation of Acid Red 27, Acid Orange 7, and Acid Blue 129. Ozone-Science & Engineering. Vol. 35, pp. 423 - 437. 2013.
Articles published during 2012
Cantó-Colomina, Begoña; Cardona-Navarrete, Salvador Cayetano; Coll-Aliaga, Peregrina Del Carmen; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José; Sánchez-Juan, Elena. Dynamic optimization of a gas-liquid reactor. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. Vol. 50, pp. 381 - 393. 2012.
Ferre-Aracil, Jesús; Cardona-Navarrete, Salvador Cayetano; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José. Utilización de redes neuronales artificiales en reactores gas-líquido: modelos no-paramétricos y optimización. Avances en tecnologías de tratamientos de aguas. Vol. 8, pp. 97 - 112. Marfil S.A. 2012.
López-Pérez, Maria Fernanda; Palacios-Guillem, Santiago; Abad-Sempere, Antonio; Amat-Payá, Ana María. Degradación de la cafeína en un SBR. Avances en tecnologías de tratamientos de aguas. Vol. 1, pp. 5 - 16. Marfil S.A. 2012.
Articles published during 2011
Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio; Bellver-Navarro, Carmen Gemma; Gladys Lo Iacono Ferreira, Vanesa. Experiences in the use of ecological footprint as a sustainability indicator. Cuadernos de Biodiversidad. N. 37, pp. 9 - 18. 2011.
Articles published during 2010
Cardona-Navarrete, Salvador Cayetano; López-Pérez, María Fernanda; Abad-Sempere, Antonio; Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José. On bubble column reactor design for the determination of kinetic rate constants in gas-liquid systems. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 88, pp. 491 - 502. 2010.
Navarro-Laboulais, Javier José; Cardona-Navarrete, Salvador Cayetano; López-Pérez, María Fernanda; Abad-Sempere, Antonio. Utilización de un modelo microscópico, en experimentos no estacionarios, para la determinación de constantes cinéticas en sistemas gas-líquido. Investigaciones en Ingeniería Medioambiental. Vol. 1, pp. 5 - 16. Editorial Marfil, S.A., 2010.
Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio. La huella ecológica y de carbono como indicador ambiental en las Universidades: estudio del caso en la UPV. Investigaciones en Ingeniería Medioambiental. Vol. 8, pp. 103 - 116. Editorial Marfil, S.A., 2010.
Articles published during 2008
Navarro, J.; Cardona, S.; Torregrosa, J.I.; Abad, A.; López, M.F. Practical identifiability analysis in dynamic gas-liquid reactors. Optimal experimental design for masstransfer parameters determination. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 32, pp. 2382-2394, 2008.
Torregrosa, J.I.; Navarro, J.; López, M.F.; Cardona, S.; Abad, A.; Capablanca, L. Study of the ozonation of a dye using kinetic information reconstruction. Ozone-Science & Engineering, 5 (30), pp. 344-355, 2008.
Articles published during 2007
Navarro, J.; López, F.; Torregrosa, J.I.; Cardona, S.; Abad, A. Transient response, model structure and systematic errors in hybrid respirometers: structural identifiability analysis based on OUR and DO measurements. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 4 (42), pp. 969-990, 2007.
Articles published during 2006
Navarro, J.; Abad, A.; Cardona, S.; López, M.F.; Torregrosa, J.I. Mathematical model for monitoring gas-liquid reactors by means of continuous flow analysis. Ozone-Science & Engineering, 28, pp. 17-27, 2006.
Navarro, J.; Cardona, S.; Torregrosa, J.I.; Abad, A.; López, M.F. Structural identifiability analysis of the dynamic gas-liquid film model. Aiche Journal, 8 (52), pp. 2851-2863, 2006.
Articles published during 2005
Abad, A.; Cardona, S.; Torregrosa, J.I.; López, M.F.; Navarro, J. Deconvolution of Flow Analysis Signal for Chemical Process Information Reconstruction. IADAT Journal of Advanced Technology on Automation, Control and Instrumentation, 1 (1), pp. 31-33, 2005.
Abad, A.; Cardona, S.; Torregrosa, J.I.; López, M.F.; Navarro, J. Flow analysis deconvolution for kinetic information reconstruction. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 38, pp. 271-292, 2005.
Abad, A.; Cardona, S.; Torregrosa, J.I.; López, M.F.; Navarro, J. On transfer function formalism for chemical reactor monitoring by continuous flow techniques. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 38, pp. 599-622, 2005.
Amat, A.M.; Arques, A.; López, M.F.; Miranda, M.A. Solar photo-catalysis to remove paper mill wastewater pollutants. Solar Energy, 79, pp. 393-401, 2005.
Amat, A.M.; Arques, A.; Miranda, M.A.; López, M.F. Use of ozone and/or UV in the treatment of efluents from board paper industry. Chemosphere, 60, pp. 1111-1117, 2005.
Articles published during 2004
Amat, A.M.; Arques, A.; Lopez, M.F.; Seguí, S.; Miranda, M.A. Abatement of industrial sulfonic pollutants by ozone and UV radiation. Environmental Engineering Science, 4, 21, pp. 485-492, 2004.
Amat, A.M.; Arques, A.; Lopez, M.F. Depuracion de aguas residuales de industrias papeleras. Cierre de circuitos. Química e Industria, 557 (51), pp. 8-16, 2004.
Navarro, J. Surface structure determination by SEM image processing and electrochemical impedance of graphite+polyethylene composite electrodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 1, 566, pp. 159-167, 2004.
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